M. Hamed
As I was doing some of the experiments in the AoE student manual
(highly recommended for beginners, if you have access to a lab), I've
reached the section about current mirrors, specifically Wilson current
mirror. And in trying to understand some temperature dependent
behavior and how the current tends to increase when the output
transistor gets hot, even though its current and voltage parameters
are pretty much fixed. In trying to understand that, I came up with a
more fundamental question...
How can the transistor that is directly connected to the load, how can
it tolerate its VBE and IC being fixed, even though its VCE can vary
considerably depending on the load.
For example, in the mirror of the first figure in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_current_source and assuming VCC is
large, IC1 is fixed, and from Ebers Moll that fixes VBE for Q1, which
also fixes VBE for Q2, which in turn fixes the emitter of Q3 and hence
VBE for Q3.
Since VBE for Q2 is fixed, IC2 is fixed (Ebers-Moll), and that causes
IE3, IC3 to be fixed (neglecting base currents).
Now the anomaly is Q3. Here we have a transistor with VBE fixed by the
two other transistors, yet it can maintain a current that really
doesn't depend on its own VBE (where is Ebers-Moll here?). Not just
that. For varying loads at its collector, VCE can change considerably,
yet it still can pass the same current (where is Early effect here?).
In summary, how can the transistor equations and curves not hold for
Q3 in that case?
Anybody got an answer?
Thank you!
(highly recommended for beginners, if you have access to a lab), I've
reached the section about current mirrors, specifically Wilson current
mirror. And in trying to understand some temperature dependent
behavior and how the current tends to increase when the output
transistor gets hot, even though its current and voltage parameters
are pretty much fixed. In trying to understand that, I came up with a
more fundamental question...
How can the transistor that is directly connected to the load, how can
it tolerate its VBE and IC being fixed, even though its VCE can vary
considerably depending on the load.
For example, in the mirror of the first figure in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_current_source and assuming VCC is
large, IC1 is fixed, and from Ebers Moll that fixes VBE for Q1, which
also fixes VBE for Q2, which in turn fixes the emitter of Q3 and hence
VBE for Q3.
Since VBE for Q2 is fixed, IC2 is fixed (Ebers-Moll), and that causes
IE3, IC3 to be fixed (neglecting base currents).
Now the anomaly is Q3. Here we have a transistor with VBE fixed by the
two other transistors, yet it can maintain a current that really
doesn't depend on its own VBE (where is Ebers-Moll here?). Not just
that. For varying loads at its collector, VCE can change considerably,
yet it still can pass the same current (where is Early effect here?).
In summary, how can the transistor equations and curves not hold for
Q3 in that case?
Anybody got an answer?
Thank you!