Victor Vector
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect