Wideband Transmitter Design


Victor Vector

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
On 28 Oct 2003 16:23:02 -0800, vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk (Victor
Vector) wrote:

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect

Why not just throw a brick through the window of the nearest police

I built an FM transmitter that constantly scans the FM broadcst band and
locks on a particular freq when a microphone located outside my car picks up
the 1000hz tone broadcat by the transmitter. Pressing a button generates a
single sweep of the band and goes practically unnoticed by nearby listeners
who happen to hear it on the radio. Only if the radio receiver is putting
out a couple hundred watts will I get a lock. You can imagine how much fun
this can be. Only problem I have with it is that few people who have these
loud stereoes in their car listen to FM but I do catch a few.

"Victor Vector" <vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
Victor Vector wrote:
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
I'm extremely glad you don't know shit from apple butter
about electronics. If you did, you'd start with Marconi's
sparkgap XMTR and go from there.

Then, you'd spend ten to twenty years in jail.

Mark L. Fergerson
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:06:49 -0700, Mark Fergerson <nunya@biz.ness>

Victor Vector wrote:
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect

I'm extremely glad you don't know shit from apple butter
about electronics. If you did, you'd start with Marconi's
sparkgap XMTR and go from there.
A sparkgap's a terrifically effective gadget for wiping out AM over a
very broad band indeed, but with most comms now operating in other
modes, it's far less effective, I'm afraid. Aircraft comms are still
AM, though and since you're line-of-sight with them, you might bring a
few planes down even if you can't screw up Starbucks' muzac.

"Windows [n.], A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch
to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit
microprocessor and produced by a two bit company."
Paul Burridge wrote:

Aircraft comms are still
AM, though and since you're line-of-sight with them, you might bring a
few planes down even if you can't screw up Starbucks' muzac.
No he won't, aircraft operators have very elaborate com failure procedures.
OTOH, he will have the FCC and the FAA at his doorstep in no time. Which
is in turn what he will have to serve.

On 28 Oct 2003 16:23:02 -0800, vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk (Victor
Vector) wrote:

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
A spark gap is not the best idea for a jammer. They are inefficient.
Somewhat audibly noisy also - presumably you'd want to be
surreptitious in your activity . . . Also you run the risk of
interrupting more than the person you find offensive.

I like the idea I saw on the web. The guy used the final amplifier
and exciter from a junk cell phone and a sweep generator to rapidly
switch frequencies. The people that built them claimed they worked
well for local disruption in shopping malls, restaurants, and on the

Professional/commercial cell jamming devices probably use the same
scheme. See http://www.monix.com.tw/mgb1.htm or

Use Google to search the newsgroups
http://groups.google.com/advanced_group_search Search on the phrase
"cell phone jammer" and or "cell phone" +jammer
the schematic I saw may still be up and about somewhere (I know I
copied it).

From the newsgroups search I just ran:
Spark transmitter. An auto ignition coil, a cellphone antenna and a
piece of antenna wire. Mount spark plug in bottom of coffee can,
connect ignition coil to plug and ground to can. strip off about 8
inches of the shield braid on the cable, wind center conductor into 2"
loop, solder center conductor to ground braid, use a couple wire ties
to keep the loop in a coil shape. Place coil over spark plug tip in
can, Don't let coil touch spark plug anywhere. Use a "Door Buzzer",
the mechanical type, not an electrical one, (a hardware store usually
carries one) in series in the power lead to the coil. Recommend you
cover end of coffee can with metal lid, bring antenna lead out through
small notch in lid. Put cell phone antenna on car. See someone talking
in stead of driving? Turn on power, buzzer provides pulses to coil,
coil provides spark, antenna lead coil around plug picks up spark
signal, antenna roughly tunes available spark energy into cell band.
and cellphone user channel dies. Works for about 200 feet in mine.
I don't know if it works or not, but with all new parts it won't set
you back more than $20 or so.

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
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On 28 Oct 2003 16:23:02 -0800, vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk (Victor
Vector) wrote:

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect
Complaint sent to Google with copies to FBI and FCC ;-)

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| http://www.analog-innovations.com | 1962 |

I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.
Paul Burridge wrote:
On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:06:49 -0700, Mark Fergerson <nunya@biz.ness

Victor Vector wrote:

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect

I'm extremely glad you don't know shit from apple butter
about electronics. If you did, you'd start with Marconi's
sparkgap XMTR and go from there.

A sparkgap's a terrifically effective gadget for wiping out AM over a
very broad band indeed, but with most comms now operating in other
modes, it's far less effective, I'm afraid. Aircraft comms are still
AM, though and since you're line-of-sight with them, you might bring a
few planes down even if you can't screw up Starbucks' muzac.
Quite true. A competently imaginative neoLuddite asshole
would look at Marconi's loop and think about slide
trombones. Getting it to slide fast enough to bugger
FM/PM/PWM/ agile comms will be, um, difficult unless he
considers altering its length electrically, switching
through a series of loops (a la "multiwave" antennae), or
something like that. Hell, I thought that up thirty years
ago (but didn't try it).

I hope he enjoys buggering (or rather being buggered). If
he's successful, he'll get plenty, especially if he follows
any of the hints he gets here, so keep 'em coming!

Mark L. Fergerson
http://www.hactivist.com/ place that had/has the cell phone jammer

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
I Love It! I need it!! When can you ship me one!!

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 02:38:57 GMT, Jimmy <Gfender@carolina.rr.com> wrote:

I built an FM transmitter that constantly scans the FM broadcst band and
locks on a particular freq when a microphone located outside my car
picks up
the 1000hz tone broadcat by the transmitter. Pressing a button generates
single sweep of the band and goes practically unnoticed by nearby
who happen to hear it on the radio. Only if the radio receiver is putting
out a couple hundred watts will I get a lock. You can imagine how much
this can be. Only problem I have with it is that few people who have
loud stereoes in their car listen to FM but I do catch a few.

"Victor Vector" <vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect

Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
Jim Thompson wrote:

On 28 Oct 2003 16:23:02 -0800, vector_vortex@yahoo.co.uk (Victor
Vector) wrote:

With the proliferation of wireless technologies and the soon to be
implemented RFID technology I was prompted to think of a way of
disrupting the flow of these communications over the airwaves.
possible uses could be jamming cell phones in cinemas or jamming WiFi
in starbucks and watching the buisnessmen cry cause they cant get
their e-mail. Thus I propose the idea of a wideband RF transmitter
capable of producing noise on a variety of frequencies and that is
also portable/breifcase sized so as you dont attract too much
attension. Is a spark gap, the most simplest of transmitters the way
to go. Does anyone still know how to build a spark gap and are they at
all tuneable and how do you boost the output so as cellular and WIFI
can be drowned out, Thanks for any ideas on this subjdect

Complaint sent to Google with copies to FBI and FCC ;-)

...Jim Thompson
jimmy,you're a dick lol, go find a church somewhere and bother them
instead,what an idiot

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