Given that I have 24 vdc, I want a supply adjustable from +1V to +100.
Stable, quiet, current limited. Roughly 10 watts out. I might want
several of these on a board, with independently programmable voltage.
Multi-channel pulse generator.
There are boost-buck chips around, but not to 100v, probably not very
quiet. This might be demanding for a sepic, too.
I was thinking that I could put a boost converter ahead of a linear
regulator. The boost output wouldn\'t go below 24ish, but that\'s ok...
the linear can work from that. I guess the boost output would always
stay 10 volts or so ahead of what the linear needs, kind of like the
trick of bootstrapping an LM317.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard
Stable, quiet, current limited. Roughly 10 watts out. I might want
several of these on a board, with independently programmable voltage.
Multi-channel pulse generator.
There are boost-buck chips around, but not to 100v, probably not very
quiet. This might be demanding for a sepic, too.
I was thinking that I could put a boost converter ahead of a linear
regulator. The boost output wouldn\'t go below 24ish, but that\'s ok...
the linear can work from that. I guess the boost output would always
stay 10 volts or so ahead of what the linear needs, kind of like the
trick of bootstrapping an LM317.
John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc
Science teaches us to doubt.
Claude Bernard