Wide band Ant/ Power decoupling


Slav Mitrofanov

Dear community,
could someone help me to find an SMD component(s) to decouple Power (DC) and
20-3000 MHz with the DC current = 100mA. The problem is that I would like
to have less than 1dB difference S21 in the rather wide band and usual SMD
coils give some droppings at their resonance frequencies. I tryed shunt L
with R 330 Ohm and use two such shunted L in serial. (100 nH and 1uH). But
it is a bit complicated and some droppings are still more than 1.5dB. The
question is: are there anything special (some components targeting the
poblem) designed to feed active antennas and so on?
Any help or tips are appreciated, thanks.
I think I have found a good solution already. Two, exactly. Ferrite pipe 10
mm long on a piece of wire: 0.5 dB difference but I loose 1.5 dB of signal.
And the best solution:
The Coilcraft 1812 12uH! The coil is on ferrite core and probably losses in
the core are flattening the plot.
The result: <-0.1 dB till 500MHz -0.5 dB till 3GHz.
Would be glad if I could help someone.
73! Bye.
Slav (UA3QGN)

"Slav Mitrofanov" <MitrofanovVV@ircoc.vrn.ru> wrote in message
Dear community,
could someone help me to find an SMD component(s) to decouple Power (DC)
20-3000 MHz with the DC current = 100mA. The problem is that I would like
to have less than 1dB difference S21 in the rather wide band and usual SMD
coils give some droppings at their resonance frequencies. I tryed shunt L
with R 330 Ohm and use two such shunted L in serial. (100 nH and 1uH). But
it is a bit complicated and some droppings are still more than 1.5dB. The
question is: are there anything special (some components targeting the
poblem) designed to feed active antennas and so on?
Any help or tips are appreciated, thanks.

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