Chris Carlen
I am building my first Verilog project with Xilinx WebPack 5.2i.
I have a module test_delay8 that instantiates a module Delay8Bit, which
in turn instantiates two further modules, an 8-bit comparator and an
8-bit counter, where the counter is inferred from the XST library.
But I get lots of warnings about inputs and signals not used:
Synthesizing Unit <CB8CE>.
Related source file is cb8ce.v.
Found 8-bit up counter for signal <Q>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <CE> is never used.
inferred 1 Counter(s).
Unit <CB8CE> synthesized.
Synthesizing Unit <Delay8Bit>.
Related source file is Delay8Bit.v.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<7>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<6>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<5>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<4>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<3>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<2>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<1>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<0>> is never used.
Unit <Delay8Bit> synthesized.
Synthesizing Unit <test_delay8>.
Related source file is test_delay8.v.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <Delay_td> is assigned but never used.
Unit <test_delay8> synthesized.
The logic all seems to work, however.
What are these warnings all about? The signals certainly appear to be
used from my perspective. I would like to understand how to code so
that the warnings are not generated, since they are not confidence
Thanks for assistance
Good day!
P.S. Here are all the modules if you'd like to see. Feel free to
criticize my methods in addition to considering my original question:
module test_delay8(Trig_td, Out_td, Clk_td);
input wire Trig_td, Clk_td;
output wire Out_td;
wire [7:0] Delay_td;
assign Delay_td = 83;
Delay8Bit D1 (.Trig_in(Trig_td), .Out(Out_td), .Clk_in(Clk_td),
module Delay8Bit(Trig_in, Out, Clk_in, Delay);
input wire Trig_in, Clk_in;
input wire [7:0] Delay;
output wire Out;
wire [7:0] Qc;
wire CompMatchOut;
wire nowhere1, nowhere2;
supply1 h;
CB8CE Counter1 ( .Q(Qc), .TC(nowhere1), .CE0(nowhere2),
.C(Clk_in), .CLR(~Out), .CE(h) );
Compare8 Comp1 (CompMatchOut, Qc, Delay);
FDC FF1 ( .Q(Out), .C(Trig_in), .CLR(CompMatchOut), .D(h) );
module Compare8(Q, A, B);
output wire Q;
input wire [7:0] A;
input wire [7:0] B;
wire X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0;
XNOR7 (X7, A[7], B[7]),
XNOR6 (X6, A[6], B[6]),
XNOR5 (X5, A[5], B[5]),
XNOR4 (X4, A[4], B[4]),
XNOR3 (X3, A[3], B[3]),
XNOR2 (X2, A[2], B[2]),
XNOR1 (X1, A[1], B[1]),
XNOR0 (X0, A[0], B[0]);
and (Q, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0);
module CB8CE(Q, TC, CE0, C, CLR, CE);
output reg [7:0] Q;
output reg TC, CE0;
input wire C, CLR, CE;
/* Here is the "Counter binary 8-bit async. clear with enable (CB8CE)"
inference code
from the Xilinx lib.pdf document: */
always @ (posedge C or posedge CLR)
if (CLR)
Q <= 0;
else if (CE)
Q <= Q + 1;
always @ (Q)
if (Q == 255)
TC <= 1;
TC <= 0;
always @ (CE or TC)
CE0 <= TC && CE;
/* END of CB8CE inference code */
Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA
I am building my first Verilog project with Xilinx WebPack 5.2i.
I have a module test_delay8 that instantiates a module Delay8Bit, which
in turn instantiates two further modules, an 8-bit comparator and an
8-bit counter, where the counter is inferred from the XST library.
But I get lots of warnings about inputs and signals not used:
Synthesizing Unit <CB8CE>.
Related source file is cb8ce.v.
Found 8-bit up counter for signal <Q>.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <CE> is never used.
inferred 1 Counter(s).
Unit <CB8CE> synthesized.
Synthesizing Unit <Delay8Bit>.
Related source file is Delay8Bit.v.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<7>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<6>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<5>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<4>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<3>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<2>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<1>> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <Delay<0>> is never used.
Unit <Delay8Bit> synthesized.
Synthesizing Unit <test_delay8>.
Related source file is test_delay8.v.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <Delay_td> is assigned but never used.
Unit <test_delay8> synthesized.
The logic all seems to work, however.
What are these warnings all about? The signals certainly appear to be
used from my perspective. I would like to understand how to code so
that the warnings are not generated, since they are not confidence
Thanks for assistance
Good day!
P.S. Here are all the modules if you'd like to see. Feel free to
criticize my methods in addition to considering my original question:
module test_delay8(Trig_td, Out_td, Clk_td);
input wire Trig_td, Clk_td;
output wire Out_td;
wire [7:0] Delay_td;
assign Delay_td = 83;
Delay8Bit D1 (.Trig_in(Trig_td), .Out(Out_td), .Clk_in(Clk_td),
module Delay8Bit(Trig_in, Out, Clk_in, Delay);
input wire Trig_in, Clk_in;
input wire [7:0] Delay;
output wire Out;
wire [7:0] Qc;
wire CompMatchOut;
wire nowhere1, nowhere2;
supply1 h;
CB8CE Counter1 ( .Q(Qc), .TC(nowhere1), .CE0(nowhere2),
.C(Clk_in), .CLR(~Out), .CE(h) );
Compare8 Comp1 (CompMatchOut, Qc, Delay);
FDC FF1 ( .Q(Out), .C(Trig_in), .CLR(CompMatchOut), .D(h) );
module Compare8(Q, A, B);
output wire Q;
input wire [7:0] A;
input wire [7:0] B;
wire X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0;
XNOR7 (X7, A[7], B[7]),
XNOR6 (X6, A[6], B[6]),
XNOR5 (X5, A[5], B[5]),
XNOR4 (X4, A[4], B[4]),
XNOR3 (X3, A[3], B[3]),
XNOR2 (X2, A[2], B[2]),
XNOR1 (X1, A[1], B[1]),
XNOR0 (X0, A[0], B[0]);
and (Q, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0);
module CB8CE(Q, TC, CE0, C, CLR, CE);
output reg [7:0] Q;
output reg TC, CE0;
input wire C, CLR, CE;
/* Here is the "Counter binary 8-bit async. clear with enable (CB8CE)"
inference code
from the Xilinx lib.pdf document: */
always @ (posedge C or posedge CLR)
if (CLR)
Q <= 0;
else if (CE)
Q <= Q + 1;
always @ (Q)
if (Q == 255)
TC <= 1;
TC <= 0;
always @ (CE or TC)
CE0 <= TC && CE;
/* END of CB8CE inference code */
Christopher R. Carlen
Principal Laser/Optical Technologist
Sandia National Laboratories CA USA