I don't know very well how adc works, so i have a question. Most adc
have a Vref pin that defines Vin range of adc. Vin range of adc is
then divider for 2^n (n=resolution) to obtain LSB. If i resize Vref,
new Vin range (smaller) is divided for 2^n, so LSB has smaller
value.If i have a sensor, why i shoud use amplifier to drive Vin pin
of adc?can i resize Vref as i like (or there is a limit)?
have a Vref pin that defines Vin range of adc. Vin range of adc is
then divider for 2^n (n=resolution) to obtain LSB. If i resize Vref,
new Vin range (smaller) is divided for 2^n, so LSB has smaller
value.If i have a sensor, why i shoud use amplifier to drive Vin pin
of adc?can i resize Vref as i like (or there is a limit)?