Harry Muscle
Why is teflon wire usually silver coated? Does this affect the resistance
of the wire?
I'm working on a project where I'm gonna be using a length of small gauge
telfon wire as a heater in water. I'm thinking of using either 24 or 26
gauge wire, but I noticed that most places that sell this stuff mention that
it's silver coated. Why is that? Does the silver coating affect the
resistance of the wire? I need to know this since I'm using the resistance
of the wire to determine which gauge to go with and how long of a wire to
use. Anyone know approximately how much (in %) the resistance would go up
or down? I've read somewhere that it probably decreases resistance,
especially with AC due to the skin effect (which is where the silver is),
but I don't fully understand what that means. I'm gonna be running about 8V
12.5A AC through this thing in case it matters.
So the thing the I especially need answered is how much (in %) it would
affect the resistance of the wire. Also, is all teflon wire (in 24-30
gauge) silver coated as a general rule. In other words, can I assume it's
silver coated even if a store doesn't mention anything about it.
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of the wire?
I'm working on a project where I'm gonna be using a length of small gauge
telfon wire as a heater in water. I'm thinking of using either 24 or 26
gauge wire, but I noticed that most places that sell this stuff mention that
it's silver coated. Why is that? Does the silver coating affect the
resistance of the wire? I need to know this since I'm using the resistance
of the wire to determine which gauge to go with and how long of a wire to
use. Anyone know approximately how much (in %) the resistance would go up
or down? I've read somewhere that it probably decreases resistance,
especially with AC due to the skin effect (which is where the silver is),
but I don't fully understand what that means. I'm gonna be running about 8V
12.5A AC through this thing in case it matters.
So the thing the I especially need answered is how much (in %) it would
affect the resistance of the wire. Also, is all teflon wire (in 24-30
gauge) silver coated as a general rule. In other words, can I assume it's
silver coated even if a store doesn't mention anything about it.
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