Why don't they make female USB panel-mount sockets with ribb


PC Guy

So if I want to make something like this:


But instead of the tedious job of soldering those wires, instead I want
to use press-fit ribbon cables - which would be easy on the 10-pin
connector - but what to do for the USB connector?

Is there a reason why they don't make USB connectors with press-fit
ribbon cable termination?
I would say "Why bother?" when you can buy them pretty cheaply. This eBay seller http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motherboard-USB-2-0-Cable-Adapter-Rear-Panel-Bracket-I-/140518152161?ssPageName=ADME:L:OU:US:3160 will deliver to your home for under US$2. It looks like you can unscrew the USB ports from the PC bracket if you really don't want it.
I looked and could not find one for sale at any of my favorite electronic or computer parts stores in the Silicon Valley (Fry's, Halted, Central Computer, Anchor, etc.). I bought one from the Chinese eBay seller for US$1.72.. It took about a week to arrive.

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