The Xilinx ISE 7.1i synthesis software gives warning messages that the
following signals are 1-bit latches: b_reg_strb, mod_pri_ready and
b_reg_ena. Below is the code for the state machine where these signals
are controlled. I don't see why they should be inferred as latches.
What am I missing?
-- Slave Modify PRI Control State Machine Clocking and Initialization
AddCtrlClking : process ( clk, clr, add_ctrl_next_state )
if rising_edge( clk ) then
if clr = '1' then
add_ctrl_pres_state <= wait_load_cmd;
add_ctrl_pres_state <= add_ctrl_next_state;
end if;
end if;
end process AddCtrlClking;
-- Slave Modify PRI Control State Machine Output Control
AddCtrl : process( add_ctrl_pres_state, mod_pri_cmd, i_ld_mod_pri_wrd,
ena_buff, load_pri, add_sub_ena )
case add_ctrl_pres_state is
when wait_load_cmd =>
mod_pri_ready <= '1';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
if i_ld_mod_pri_wrd = '1' then
b_reg_strb <= '1';
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_mod_pri_cmd;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
end if;
when wait_mod_pri_cmd =>
mod_pri_ready <= '1';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if mod_pri_cmd = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_buff_read;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_mod_pri_cmd;
end if;
when wait_buff_read =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= ena_buff and add_sub_ena;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if ena_buff = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= mod_pri;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_buff_read;
end if;
when mod_pri =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= add_sub_ena;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if load_pri = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_cmd_0;
add_ctrl_next_state <= mod_pri;
end if;
when wait_cmd_0 =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if mod_pri_cmd = '0' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_cmd_0;
end if;
when others =>
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
end case;
end process AddCtrl;
following signals are 1-bit latches: b_reg_strb, mod_pri_ready and
b_reg_ena. Below is the code for the state machine where these signals
are controlled. I don't see why they should be inferred as latches.
What am I missing?
-- Slave Modify PRI Control State Machine Clocking and Initialization
AddCtrlClking : process ( clk, clr, add_ctrl_next_state )
if rising_edge( clk ) then
if clr = '1' then
add_ctrl_pres_state <= wait_load_cmd;
add_ctrl_pres_state <= add_ctrl_next_state;
end if;
end if;
end process AddCtrlClking;
-- Slave Modify PRI Control State Machine Output Control
AddCtrl : process( add_ctrl_pres_state, mod_pri_cmd, i_ld_mod_pri_wrd,
ena_buff, load_pri, add_sub_ena )
case add_ctrl_pres_state is
when wait_load_cmd =>
mod_pri_ready <= '1';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
if i_ld_mod_pri_wrd = '1' then
b_reg_strb <= '1';
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_mod_pri_cmd;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
end if;
when wait_mod_pri_cmd =>
mod_pri_ready <= '1';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if mod_pri_cmd = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_buff_read;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_mod_pri_cmd;
end if;
when wait_buff_read =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= ena_buff and add_sub_ena;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if ena_buff = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= mod_pri;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_buff_read;
end if;
when mod_pri =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= add_sub_ena;
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if load_pri = '1' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_cmd_0;
add_ctrl_next_state <= mod_pri;
end if;
when wait_cmd_0 =>
mod_pri_ready <= '0';
b_reg_ena <= '0';
b_reg_strb <= '0';
if mod_pri_cmd = '0' then
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_cmd_0;
end if;
when others =>
add_ctrl_next_state <= wait_load_cmd;
end case;
end process AddCtrl;