Why am I getting different results with two files collapsed into one?...


Kevin Simonson

I wrote a Verilog file:
// (c) 2020 Kevin Simonson

module equ2
  ( output result
, output nrOut
, output xwOut
  , input  leftOp
  , input  rightOp);

wire    notRight, xorWeak;
supply1 power;
supply0 ground;

nmos #(3)  nRg( notRight, ground  , rightOp);
pmos #(3)  pRg( notRight, power   , rightOp);
nmos #(3) nXor( xorWeak , notRight, leftOp );
pmos #(3) pXor( xorWeak , right   , leftOp );
nmos #(3) nInv( result  , ground  , xorWeak);
pmos #(3) pInv( result  , power   , xorWeak);
assign nrOut = notRight;
assign xwOut = xorWeak ;

and then I wrote a driver:
module eqTest ();

wire rs;
wire nr, xw;
reg lfOp, rgOp;

equ2 eq( rs, nr, xw, lfOp, rgOp);

  lfOp    = 1\'d0; rgOp = 1\'d0;
  #10 $display( \"lf: %d, rg: %d, nr: %d, xw: %d, rs: %d, exp: 1.\", lfOp, rgOp, nr, xw, rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display( \"lf: %d, rg: %d, nr: %d, xw: %d, rs: %d, exp: 0.\", lfOp, rgOp, nr, xw, rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d0; rgOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display( \"lf: %d, rg: %d, nr: %d, xw: %d, rs: %d, exp: 0.\", lfOp, rgOp, nr, xw, rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display( \"lf: %d, rg: %d, nr: %d, xw: %d, rs: %d, exp: 1.\", lfOp, rgOp, nr, xw, rs);

The purpose of (equ2) is to output in (result) a logical one if the two inputs are identical, and to output in (result) a logical zero if the two inputs are different. I added outputs (nrOut) and (xwOut) so I could see intermediate results along the way. When I ran this I got:
D:\\Hf\\Verilog\\Unpacked\\Wlt\\Bug>\\HdlTools\\Icarus\\bin\\iverilog -g2009 -o eqTest.vvp equ2.sv eqTest.sv

D:\\Hf\\Verilog\\Unpacked\\Wlt\\Bug>\\HdlTools\\Icarus\\bin\\vvp eqTest.vvp
lf: 0, rg: 0, nr: 1, xw: z, rs: x, exp: 1.
lf: 1, rg: 0, nr: 1, xw: 1, rs: 0, exp: 0.
lf: 0, rg: 1, nr: 0, xw: z, rs: x, exp: 0.
lf: 1, rg: 1, nr: 0, xw: 0, rs: 1, exp: 1.

This was not what I wanted, obviously. I tried moving all the functionality into one file, and got:
module five ();

wire    rs  , notRight, xorWeak;
reg     lfOp, rgOp;
supply1 power;
supply0 ground;

nmos #(3)  nRg( notRight, ground  , rgOp   );
pmos #(3)  pRg( notRight, power   , rgOp   );
nmos #(3) nXor( xorWeak , notRight, lfOp   );
pmos #(3) pXor( xorWeak , rgOp    , lfOp   );
nmos #(3) nInv( rs      , ground  , xorWeak);
pmos #(3) pInv( rs      , power   , xorWeak);

  lfOp    = 1\'d0; rgOp = 1\'d0;
  #10 $display
         ( \"lfOp: %d, rgOp: %d, notRight: %d, xorWeak: %d, rs: %d, expected: 1.\"
         ,  lfOp    , rgOp    , notRight    , xorWeak    , rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display
         ( \"lfOp: %d, rgOp: %d, notRight: %d, xorWeak: %d, rs: %d, expected: 0.\"
         ,  lfOp    , rgOp    , notRight    , xorWeak    , rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d0; rgOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display
         ( \"lfOp: %d, rgOp: %d, notRight: %d, xorWeak: %d, rs: %d, expected: 0.\"
         ,  lfOp    , rgOp    , notRight    , xorWeak    , rs);
  #1 lfOp = 1\'d1;
  #10 $display
         ( \"lfOp: %d, rgOp: %d, notRight: %d, xorWeak: %d, rs: %d, expected: 1.\"
         ,  lfOp    , rgOp    , notRight    , xorWeak    , rs);

When I ran this I got:
D:\\Hf\\Verilog\\Unpacked\\Wlt\\Bug>\\HdlTools\\Icarus\\bin\\iverilog -g2009 -o five..vvp five.sv

D:\\Hf\\Verilog\\Unpacked\\Wlt\\Bug>\\HdlTools\\Icarus\\bin\\vvp five.vvp
lfOp: 0, rgOp: 0, notRight: 1, xorWeak: 0, rs: 1, expected: 1.
lfOp: 1, rgOp: 0, notRight: 1, xorWeak: 1, rs: 0, expected: 0.
lfOp: 0, rgOp: 1, notRight: 0, xorWeak: 1, rs: 0, expected: 0.
lfOp: 1, rgOp: 1, notRight: 0, xorWeak: 0, rs: 1, expected: 1.

This is precisely what I DID want. The two sets of code look virtually identical to me. Does anybody have any idea why I\'m getting different results when I have the two files, \"equ2.sv\" and \"eqTest.sv\", than when I have just the one file, \"five.sv\"? Why is (xorWeak) ending up with a \"z\" value in \"equ2.sv\" when (leftOp) has a zero value, while (xorWeak) has either a \"0\" value or a \"1\" value in \"five.sv\" with the same input?

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