Who makes the rotary encoder switch on the wheel mice?


Shahid Sheikh

Does anyone know of any manufacturers of the kind of rotary encoders
used on the scroll wheel of a mouse?


On 2 Nov 2003 03:30:00 -0800, shahidsheikh10@yahoo.com (Shahid Sheikh)

Does anyone know of any manufacturers of the kind of rotary encoders
used on the scroll wheel of a mouse?
Not in the form-factor spefically for mice but for general-purpose
incremental rotary encoders look at http://www.usdigital.com/

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
Rich Webb <bbew.ar@mapson.nozirev.ten> wrote in message news:<rg1bqvog2k1b1u7pnq5vv2pqn4ttimc9sq@4ax.com>...
Does anyone know of any manufacturers of the kind of rotary encoders
used on the scroll wheel of a mouse?

Not in the form-factor spefically for mice but for general-purpose
incremental rotary encoders look at http://www.usdigital.com/
Thanks for the info. I'm actually looking for the same form-factor or
even smaller (if they exist) as space is very limited where I want to
use it.


Thanks for the info. I'm actually looking for the same form-factor or
even smaller (if they exist) as space is very limited where I want to
Not specifically the same mounting style, but smaller than the mouse
scrollwheels: Panasonic (Matushita-Kotobuki) EVQ series. We used
EVQ-WK with great success. They are surface-mount parts mounting
parallel to the PCB, not at right angles. This style is used, for
example, in camcorders.
On 3 Nov 2003 03:23:00 -0800, shahidsheikh10@yahoo.com (Shahid Sheikh)

Rich Webb <bbew.ar@mapson.nozirev.ten> wrote in message news:<rg1bqvog2k1b1u7pnq5vv2pqn4ttimc9sq@4ax.com>...

Does anyone know of any manufacturers of the kind of rotary encoders
used on the scroll wheel of a mouse?

Not in the form-factor spefically for mice but for general-purpose
incremental rotary encoders look at http://www.usdigital.com/

Thanks for the info. I'm actually looking for the same form-factor or
even smaller (if they exist) as space is very limited where I want to
use it.


They are custom made, you cannot buy them off the shelf, AFAIK.
larwe@larwe.com (Lewin A.R.W. Edwards) wrote in message news:<608b6569.0311030626.6bda12f@posting.google.com>...
Not specifically the same mounting style, but smaller than the mouse
scrollwheels: Panasonic (Matushita-Kotobuki) EVQ series. We used
EVQ-WK with great success. They are surface-mount parts mounting
parallel to the PCB, not at right angles. This style is used, for
example, in camcorders.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The EVQ series would
work great. Here the link to them



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