White goo peril?



Fender Stage 100, 2003
I don't think anyone else had been in there before me, so a QC issue
perhaps. I would not have thought the same person would be soldering
components to the boards as well as assembly. Perhaps in-factory re-work
stage leads to this sort of contamination, but still QC issue. Looked
like PbF solder in a number of places but I think it was white heatsink
compound incorporated into some of the solder joints. Most noticably one
of the speaker wires loose, as the solder had not adhered to the pad in
the most part and just touching contact when it wanted to. Then of
course handfulls of white goo where there is AFAIK no point , between
and all over the Al spacer bar , chasis and heatsink plate itself, as
distinct from just a necessary mustard seed size lump under each TOP66
where the heat transfer concentration is.
One Tx wire crimp was just laying in place due to the curvature of the
wire , applying some force, and touching contact sometimes. A number of
the others were inadequte clamping force to the posts
Is there a problem with "Climb 8" make of 0.25 inch sockets as there was
also a problem with that input socket but solder and springiness seemed
good, seem very floppy in not enough plastic for the housing allowing
the jack to move all
over the place. Wired in upside down replacement will go in there.
For good measure the only hardware that was tight was the backnut for
the pilot LED holder.
All TOP66 bolts, heatsink bolts, pot and rotary sw bush nuts ,1/4 in
socket nuts, spade connectors and the mains Tx holding nuts all needed
A second Fender in one week with these dodgey input sockets.
This time a FM65R , 2006. Although PbF I don't think it was that
although I don't like the way the solder blobs don't seem to
sweat/adhere to the pads properly.
Off centre shallow format , this time no make/model mark just an R on an
inside surface but almost identical to the previous Climb 8, the metal
forming is a bit different with U contact form rather than more V shape.
Perhaps they don't like Brit air, nasty black CuS? tarnish to all
surfaces not enclosed by the plastic, those surfaces are bright.
Combined with the cross-coupling between the 2 inputs allows more chance
of contacts failure. Will have to change those 2 plus the other 2
using the bypass contacts

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