Whingeing retail billionaires and the 10% GST

Rob wrote:
How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock
in support Australian Industry?

Remember this?

Another weeping, "success" crazed billionaire
fears becoming lazy, and being down to his last
billion dollars as he pleads for cheap labour:
"I've got horse studs and it's difficult to get staff."


BILLIONAIRE retailer Gerry Harvey says Australia
needs a two-tier wage system to allow employers to
pay foreign guest workers less than locals.

The Harvey Norman boss said Australia's prosperity
was creating a labour shortage and endangering the
nation's competitiveness. He said a growing number
of Australian manufacturers were moving overseas,
where cheap labour was plentiful.

He called on the Federal Government to allow
foreign workers on fixed visas to form a second
tier to the labour market. "Australia doesn't have
cheap labour. Many overseas workers would be
prepared to move here for a much better life and
half the money Australians earn," he said.

"When you get unemployment down to four per cent,
to three per cent, to two per cent, business can't
get the labour. I've got horse studs and it's
difficult to get staff. Workers would rather work
in the mines where they get paid twice as much.
Fruit-picking companies are relying on

Mr Harvey said both major parties needed to open
the gates to migrants.

"The US can draw on a lot of cheap labour from
Mexico and South America," he said. "People from
those countries move to the US looking for a
better life. European countries can draw on cheap
labour from eastern Europe."

"The danger of being too prosperous is that it can
come back to bite you - you can become too lazy
and other nations work harder and overtake you."

"What I'm saying is not politically correct. You
won't get politicians saying what I'm saying, but
privately they know this sort of thing is a
reality in the future."

On Dec 22, 7:38 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
"kreed" <kenreed1...@gmail.com> wrote in message


Why bother ?  Our energy systems work fine as they are right now.
Got enough coal to last for centuries, one of the cheapest ways to
make electricity
If there isn't enough capacity, then build more power stations.

Exactly, they don't "work fine as they are" because they have not increased
generating capacity to meet demand. With global emmission targets,
continuing to build coal fired power stations is not gonna happen. Carbon
capture and seqestration is only a pipe dream, and it would probably be
cheaper to invest in solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, or even nuclear.
Let's face it, it's a lot easier to live without high speed internet than
The AGW is just a scam, but for that reason our weak crooked leaders
will continue
to pursue it, and we will end up paying for it.

AKA "The Emperor's New Clothes".

As for the electricity bills going up again, already happening in QLD

As everywhere, and will continue to outpace inflation (in fact will help
drive inflation) by a considerable margin, for a long time to come.

I dont know about capital cities, but wireless is too expensive if you
want to download files, or download any significant amount of data (if
you are in Australia that is).

Stop downloading movies and you are fine. I just borrow DVD's from the
council library instead, since I can't avoid council rates.


$2400 PA here, plus water, cat/dog licenses and other such crap.

We are made to pay for this stuff that because these interests that
end up with these assets on the cheap when its 'privatised"
own and control both major parties via donations, media and other
influence., which is why most decisions are made for these people,
not for the average person.
The individual is just there to foot the bill for all these grubs.

Exactly my point.
See above re alternative energy.

> MrT.
kreed wrote:
On Dec 22, 7:38 pm, "Mr.T" <MrT@home> wrote:
"kreed" <kenreed1...@gmail.com> wrote in message


Why bother ?  Our energy systems work fine as they are right now.
Got enough coal to last for centuries, one of the cheapest ways to
make electricity
If there isn't enough capacity, then build more power stations.

Exactly, they don't "work fine as they are" because they have not increased
generating capacity to meet demand. With global emmission targets,
continuing to build coal fired power stations is not gonna happen. Carbon
capture and seqestration is only a pipe dream, and it would probably be
cheaper to invest in solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, or even nuclear.
Let's face it, it's a lot easier to live without high speed internet than

The AGW is just a scam, but for that reason our weak crooked leaders
will continue
to pursue it, and we will end up paying for it.

AKA "The Emperor's New Clothes".

As for the electricity bills going up again, already happening in QLD

As everywhere, and will continue to outpace inflation (in fact will help
drive inflation) by a considerable margin, for a long time to come.

I dont know about capital cities, but wireless is too expensive if you
want to download files, or download any significant amount of data (if
you are in Australia that is).

Stop downloading movies and you are fine. I just borrow DVD's from the
council library instead, since I can't avoid council rates.


$2400 PA here, plus water, cat/dog licenses and other such crap.

We are made to pay for this stuff that because these interests that
end up with these assets on the cheap when its 'privatised"
own and control both major parties via donations, media and other
influence., which is why most decisions are made for these people,
not for the average person.
The individual is just there to foot the bill for all these grubs.

Exactly my point.

See above re alternative energy.


There is no "alternative" energy - at least
not at a price any of us could ever afford.

Too many breeding people is the problem.

Knowledge and productive skills are useless unless
you can exploit skilled and trained savages from
the third world. The imported scab labour Ponzi
scheme sure beats real, honest work, and delivers
lower wages, higher rents, and growing poverty.
Aussies need to look behind the facade of cooked
statistics. A powerful plague immigration lobby
has been telling them that growing poverty and
strife is really growing prosperity and
multicultural harmony.

Australia's private debt to GDP ratios

How the real estate Ponzi scheme debt-bubble
is shaping up for the Aussie sheeple.

Australia's colossal exponential rise of private
debt as percentage of GDP from 1969-2008 makes
Government debt look miniscule.

Ratio of Debt / GDP ___________________________ Year

::150% ________________________________________ 2008
::140% _______________________________________ 2006
::130% ______________________________________ 2005
::120% _____________________________________ 2004
::110% __________________________________ 2001
::100% _________________________________ 2000
:::90% ______________________________ 1998
:::80% ___________________________ 1995
:::70% ____________________ 1988
:::60% __________________ 1986
:::50% _______________ 1983
:::40% ________ 1976
:::30% _ 1969

Mr.T wrote
Rob <mesamine@gmail.com> wrote

We had a price increase in electricity at the end of last
year, prior to, what was thought, the introduction of a
carbon tax so it would not show up as an added tax.

Nope, we have price increases on electricity EVERY year,
That wasnt always the case.

and it has nothing to do with a carbon tax. The price WILL
increase again (and show up as an added tax) whenever a
carbon tax is introduced. Shame we couldn't spend $43Billion on
a national alternative energy scheme rather than an NBN though.
We should be spending it on nukes if we believe that CO2 production
in australia actually matters a damn to world CO2 levels.

I won't be paying $60 a month connection fee as is proposed, and I'm
sure others will just switch to wireless phone and broadband as well.
Going to be interesting to watch. Some I know like wireless, and others
dont, basically the thruput isnt good enough for those that dont.

Another white elephant at taxpayer expense.
Dunno. You can make a case for spending what was raised by flogging
off Telstra on a modern infrastucture to replace the copper network if it
wasnt for what that money could be better spent on.

Why the hell do we privatise everything AND still
expect the taxpayer to foot the infrastructure costs?
Because no one but the govt is ever going to spend anything like $43B on infrastructure.

If they can flog it off once its done, its more a way of getting that
sort of thing done because it doesnt necessarily end up costing
the taxpayer anything, just like the copper network itself didnt.
Rob wrote:

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in support Australian Industry?
Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured stuff
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that level when
the unemployment rate is 5% with most of it made outside the country.
At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.
Mr.T wrote
kreed <kenreed1999@gmail.com> wrote

Why bother ? Our energy systems work fine as they are right now.
Got enough coal to last for centuries, one of the cheapest ways to
make electricity

If there isn't enough capacity, then build more power stations.

Exactly, they don't "work fine as they are"
Yes they do.

because they have not increased generating capacity to meet demand.
Yes they have, mostly with stupid gas fired power stations.

With global emmission targets, continuing to build
coal fired power stations is not gonna happen.
Bet it does.

Carbon capture and seqestration is only a pipe dream,
Not a pipe dream so much as uneconomic.

and it would probably be cheaper to invest in solar, wind, tidal, geothermal,

or even nuclear.
Yep. And that fixes the CO2 problem forever.

Let's face it, it's a lot easier to live without high speed internet than electricity!
That isnt even a possibility.

As for the electricity bills going up again, already happening in QLD

As everywhere, and will continue to outpace inflation (in fact will help
drive inflation) by a considerable margin, for a long time to come.
Because the stupid 'alternative' energy schemes are so much more expensive.

That has to be paid for by someone.

I dont know about capital cities, but wireless is too expensive
if you want to download files, or download any significant
amount of data (if you are in Australia that is).

Stop downloading movies and you are fine.
I can download movies fine with the current broadband.

I just borrow DVD's from the council library instead,
They dont have any of the stuff I want to watch.

since I can't avoid council rates.

We are made to pay for this stuff that because these interests
that end up with these assets on the cheap when its 'privatised"
own and control both major parties via donations, media and other
influence., which is why most decisions are made for these people,
not for the average person.
Thats not why Telstra was flogged off. Aussat either.

The individual is just there to foot the bill for all these grubs.

Exactly my point.
Mr.T wrote
Rob <mesamine@gmail.com> wrote

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey
Norman stores stock in support Australian Industry?

Pretty close to zero I would think from my visits.
You're visiting the wrong parts of the store.
Benway (original non-Zionist) wrote
kreed wrote
Mr.T <MrT@home> wrote
kreed <kenreed1...@gmail.com> wrote

Why bother ? Our energy systems work fine as they are right now.
Got enough coal to last for centuries, one of the cheapest ways to
make electricity

If there isn't enough capacity, then build more power stations.

Exactly, they don't "work fine as they are" because they have not
increased generating capacity to meet demand. With global emmission
targets, continuing to build coal fired power stations is not gonna
happen. Carbon capture and seqestration is only a pipe dream, and
it would probably be cheaper to invest in solar, wind, tidal,
geothermal, or even nuclear. Let's face it, it's a lot easier to
live without high speed internet than electricity!

The AGW is just a scam, but for that reason our
weak crooked leaders will continue to pursue it,
Odd that the Dud gave up on it.

and we will end up paying for it.

AKA "The Emperor's New Clothes".

As for the electricity bills going up again, already happening in QLD

As everywhere, and will continue to outpace inflation (in fact will help
drive inflation) by a considerable margin, for a long time to come.

I dont know about capital cities, but wireless is too expensive if
you want to download files, or download any significant amount of
data (if you are in Australia that is).

Stop downloading movies and you are fine. I just borrow DVD's
from the council library instead, since I can't avoid council rates.


$2400 PA here, plus water, cat/dog licenses and other such crap.

We are made to pay for this stuff that because these interests that
end up with these assets on the cheap when its 'privatised"
own and control both major parties via donations, media and other
influence., which is why most decisions are made for these people,
not for the average person.

The individual is just there to foot the bill for all these grubs.

Exactly my point.

See above re alternative energy.

There is no "alternative" energy - at least
not at a price any of us could ever afford.

Too many breeding people is the problem.
Nope, not one first world country is even self replacing if you take out immigration.

Knowledge and productive skills are useless unless
you can exploit skilled and trained savages from
the third world. The imported scab labour Ponzi
scheme sure beats real, honest work, and delivers
lower wages, higher rents, and growing poverty.
That last is a bare faced lie.

Aussies need to look behind the facade of cooked
statistics. A powerful plague immigration lobby has
been telling them that growing poverty and strife
Thats a lie.

is really growing prosperity and multicultural harmony.
We do have growing prosperity.
"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
Rob wrote:

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in
support Australian Industry?

Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like
matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so
dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that level when
the unemployment rate is 5% with most of it made outside the country.
At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.
My how one's perception changes with time. In the 60s the unemployment rate
was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment. Then came Gough the
destroyer and unemployment will never be 2% again. Now full employment is
classified as an unemployment rate of 5%. A full 2 1/2 times what it used to
be. Thank you Labor party idealist shit......

On 23/12/2010 9:34 AM, SG1 wrote:
"Rod Speed"<rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message
Rob wrote:

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in
support Australian Industry?

Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like
matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so
dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that level when
the unemployment rate is 5% with most of it made outside the country.
At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.

My how one's perception changes with time. In the 60s the unemployment rate
was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment. Then came Gough the
destroyer and unemployment will never be 2% again. Now full employment is
classified as an unemployment rate of 5%. A full 2 1/2 times what it used to
be. Thank you Labor party idealist shit......

Each and every Labor government has stuffed around with the economy.
Gough started with a 3500b in the coffers and ended up with 3500b in the
red. Keating as treasurer increased sales tax to make ends sort of meet.
We were doing nicely thankyou then Rudd said lets spend, we have savings
from the previous mob. Now they can't make anything work or willing to
release full details of their stuffups. Gerry said lets have another
hand out so its spent in my stores.

This NBN s,,ts me.

"T.T." <tonyt92@bigpond.com> wrote in message
Why are you using an imported pejorative?
I'm not xenophobic.

"SG1" <lostitall@the.races> wrote in message
My how one's perception changes with time. In the 60s the unemployment
was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment. Then came Gough the
destroyer and unemployment will never be 2% again.
So Gough increased unemployment in ALL countries then. I didn't realise he
had so much international power.

Now full employment is
classified as an unemployment rate of 5%. A full 2 1/2 times what it used
be. Thank you Labor party idealist shit......
Ant the unemployment rate under Howard/Costello was less than 5% was it? At
least we now have a lower unemployment rate than 90% of the rest of the
western world.
Amazing how political stooges can blame the other party even when they have
done a good job there, and are wanting in so many other areas, and their
party is even worse anyway!

On 22/12/2010 8:27 PM, Mr.T wrote:
"Rob"<mesamine@gmail.com> wrote in message
We had a 25% increase end of last year

And you'll get another one next year.


yep it dosen't look much when the units are 1.6XXXXXXXXXXXXX cents
then you add just 25% to that.
"Rob" <mesamine@gmail.com> wrote in message
Each and every Labor government has stuffed around with the economy.
Gough started with a 3500b in the coffers and ended up with 3500b in the
As did many countries during the first oil crisis.

Keating as treasurer increased sales tax to make ends sort of meet.
And Howard introduced a GST so the poor could pay for tax cuts for the rich.
And reduced services and infrastructure spending, and privatised everything
to make ends meet. Now we are gong to spend more than we got for the sale of
Telstra, to provide the infrastructure that Telstra once provided at a
PROFIT to the government/taxpayer. What an amazing cock up that decsion was,
nearly as bad as privatising public transport and continuing to pay MORE in
taxpayer funds for it's infrastructure than we did when the government owned
it. :-(

Rob wrote
SG1 wrote
Rod Speed<rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
Rob wrote

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in support Australian Industry?

Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured stuff
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that
level when the unemployment rate is 5% with most of it made outside
the country.

At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.

My how one's perception changes with time. In the 60s the
unemployment rate was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment.
Then came Gough the destroyer and unemployment will never be 2%
again. Now full employment is classified as an unemployment rate of
5%. A full 2 1/2 times what it used to be. Thank you Labor party idealist shit......

Each and every Labor government has stuffed around with the economy.
We saw hikes in the unemployment rate under the coalition too.

That fool Fraser was actually stupid enough to claim that his best achievement was
to pay child benefits to women, the first time we saw lots of middle class welfare.

Gough started with a 3500b in the coffers and ended up with 3500b in the red.
Thats a lie.

Keating as treasurer increased sales tax to make ends sort of meet.
Another lie.

We were doing nicely thankyou then Rudd said lets spend,
Because the shit hit the fan in the world financial system.

we have savings from the previous mob.
He didnt just spend the savings.

Now they can't make anything work
Thats a lie, they did see the economy work a hell of a lot
better thru the GFC than in any other first world country.

or willing to release full details of their stuffups.
Thats another lie.

Gerry said lets have another hand out so its spent in my stores.
He's always been a terminal fuckwit.

This NBN s,,ts me.
Then do the decent thing and set fire to yourself outside parliament house.
SG1 wrote
Rod Speed <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote
Rob wrote

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in support Australian Industry?

Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured stuff
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that level when the unemployment rate is 5% with most of
it made outside the country.

At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.

My how one's perception changes with time.
We'll see...

In the 60s the unemployment rate was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment.
And then we were actually stupid enough to pay fools
the dole even when they werent interested in working.

Then came Gough the destroyer and unemployment will never be 2% again.
How odd that Howard couldnt return it to 2% when he was in for 3 times as long as Witless.

Now full employment is classified as an unemployment rate of 5%.

A full 2 1/2 times what it used to be.

Thank you Labor party idealist shit......
How odd that Howard couldnt return it to 2% when he was in for 3 times as long as Witless.
"SG1" <lostitall@the.races> wrote in message news:4d127cff$1@dnews.tpgi.com.au...
"Rod Speed" <rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote in message news:8neu8sFr90U1@mid.individual.net...
Rob wrote:

How many Australian Manufactured Items does Harvey Norman stores stock in support Australian Industry?

Varys with the part of the store. Its not too bad in some areas like matresses etc.

And when they dont its mostly because there is no locally manufactured stuff
available or the customers wont pay the price for the locally made stuff.

There is no way out of that problem when overseas labor costs are so dramatically lower.

And we clearly dont need to support australian industry at that level when
the unemployment rate is 5% with most of it made outside the country.
At that unemployment rate, anyone who wants a job can get one.

My how one's perception changes with time. In the 60s the unemployment rate was 2% and that was classified as FULL employment.
Then came Gough the destroyer and unemployment will never be 2% again. Now full employment is classified as an unemployment rate
of 5%. A full 2 1/2 times what it used to be. Thank you Labor party idealist shit......
Gough came to power at a time when employment would never be 2% again,
no matter who was in charge.

He did make a university education free for those clever enough, not just
those who could pay enough.

He also eliminated the ridiculous TV license fee, something much of Europe
still hangs on to - to prop up TV stations that cannot compete.

He also led the world in banning tobacco advertising on TV - which has probably
saved thousands of lives. Something only the 'socialists' would have done in
the '70s - the lieberals were happy to see their tobacco industry shares rise
alongside the deaths from tobacco-related causes.

Anyway, the definition of 'employed' has also changed. It used to mean a
full-time job, now it means a few hours a month.
Mr.T wrote
Rob <mesamine@gmail.com> wrote

Each and every Labor government has stuffed around with the economy.
Gough started with a 3500b in the coffers and ended up with 3500b in the red.

As did many countries during the first oil crisis.

Keating as treasurer increased sales tax to make ends sort of meet.

And Howard introduced a GST so the poor could pay for tax cuts for the rich.
Thats a lie. The GST goes to the states, doesnt affect federal income tax rates.

And Cheating had tax cuts for the rich anyway.

And reduced services and infrastructure spending,
and privatised everything to make ends meet.
Corse Cheating never ever privatised anything at all, eh ?

Now we are gong to spend more than we got for the sale of Telstra, to provide the
infrastructure that Telstra once provided at a PROFIT to the government/taxpayer.
Not once its flogged off again we aint.

What an amazing cock up that decsion was, nearly as bad as privatising
public transport and continuing to pay MORE in taxpayer funds for it's
infrastructure than we did when the government owned it. :-(
No one ever has private industry build public transport, stupid.
On Dec 23, 4:41 am, "Rod Speed" <rod.speed....@gmail.com> wrote:
Benway (original non-Zionist) wrote

kreed wrote
Mr.T <MrT@home> wrote
kreed <kenreed1...@gmail.com> wrote
Why bother ? Our energy systems work fine as they are right now.
Got enough coal to last for centuries, one of the cheapest ways to
make electricity
If there isn't enough capacity, then build more power stations.
Exactly, they don't "work fine as they are" because they have not
increased generating capacity to meet demand. With global emmission
targets, continuing to build coal fired power stations is not gonna
happen. Carbon capture and seqestration is only a pipe dream, and
it would probably be cheaper to invest in solar, wind, tidal,
geothermal, or even nuclear. Let's face it, it's a lot easier to
live without high speed internet than electricity!
The AGW is just a scam, but for that reason our
weak crooked leaders will continue to pursue it,

Odd that the Dud gave up on it.
He did, though the solar rebate still applies,
but the Carbon bullshit still raises its head from time to time from
AKA "Price on Carbon"

and we will end up paying for it.
AKA  "The Emperor's New Clothes".
As for the electricity bills going up again, already happening in QLD
As everywhere, and will continue to outpace inflation (in fact will help
drive inflation) by a considerable margin, for a long time to come.
I dont know about capital cities, but wireless is too expensive if
you want to download files, or download any significant amount of
data (if you are in Australia that is).
Stop downloading movies and you are fine. I just borrow DVD's
from the council library instead, since I can't avoid council rates.
$2400 PA here, plus water, cat/dog licenses and other such crap.
We are made to pay for this stuff that because these interests that
end up with these assets on the cheap when its 'privatised"
own and control both major parties via donations, media and other
influence., which is why most decisions are made for these people,
not for the average person.
The individual is just there to foot the bill for all these grubs.
Exactly my point.
See above re alternative energy.
There is no "alternative" energy - at least
not at a price any of us could ever afford.
Too many breeding people is the problem.

Nope, not one first world country is even self replacing if you take out immigration.

Knowledge and productive skills are useless unless
you can exploit skilled and trained savages from
the third world. The imported scab labour Ponzi
scheme sure beats real, honest work, and delivers
lower wages, higher rents, and growing poverty.

That last is a bare faced lie.

Aussies need to look behind the facade of cooked
statistics. A powerful plague immigration lobby has
been telling them that growing poverty and strife

Thats a lie.

is really growing prosperity and multicultural harmony.

We do have growing prosperity.

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