I have decided to shop around for a couple new oscilloscopes. Most
likely one new and one used. Even though I like the Tek 465B the thing
is a tank. It is big and heavy and hard to lug around. And the cord
keepers/feet on the back of the unit have started to fall apart. The
plastic has gotten weak and brittle. So the 465B needs to stay on its
roll around stand.
The 'scopes I'm looking for are an analog and a DSO. The analog
mainly for looking at audio signals. Just for hobby work. Just because
I'm curious about the audio stuff. The analog 'scope needs to be
smaller and lighter than the 465B.
The DSO 'scope should probably be new or fairly new. I don't know
how much bandwidth but it would be used for both hobby audio stuff and
for looking at the type of signals found in CNC controls. Right now
the 465B is plenty good enough, way more than good enough, to look at
signals from the CNC machines but it is a big pain to use much of the
time and a light 'scope that I can hang in a CNC control cabinet would
be great.
My budget is about $100 for the analog and $300 for the DSO.
So, any advice? Did I leave out something?
likely one new and one used. Even though I like the Tek 465B the thing
is a tank. It is big and heavy and hard to lug around. And the cord
keepers/feet on the back of the unit have started to fall apart. The
plastic has gotten weak and brittle. So the 465B needs to stay on its
roll around stand.
The 'scopes I'm looking for are an analog and a DSO. The analog
mainly for looking at audio signals. Just for hobby work. Just because
I'm curious about the audio stuff. The analog 'scope needs to be
smaller and lighter than the 465B.
The DSO 'scope should probably be new or fairly new. I don't know
how much bandwidth but it would be used for both hobby audio stuff and
for looking at the type of signals found in CNC controls. Right now
the 465B is plenty good enough, way more than good enough, to look at
signals from the CNC machines but it is a big pain to use much of the
time and a light 'scope that I can hang in a CNC control cabinet would
be great.
My budget is about $100 for the analog and $300 for the DSO.
So, any advice? Did I leave out something?