Which Datasheets are best ??



Often when you look up a component you find a site with perhaps 6 or 7
datasheets on the same component eg Fairchild, NTE, Motorola. etc.. I
usually Look at one or two take the shortest unless there are examples and
then download it so I have a copy in future for my hard drive. Some of these
sheets have all sorts of manufacturing info. You know how many on a reel,
how far they are spaced apart, real factory info. I avoid those becuase they
can be 5 or 10 extra pages.

Because Im a novice I generally can only glean or understand the most basic
info in these sheets, but force my selt to try to understand them. And
familierize myself with the terms and layout.

Anyway, my question is this. Is one manf data sheet better than another for
me? Instead of reading all 5 or 6 datasheets should i start with one
manufacturer. Do some of you have preferences and for what reason ?

What I like is a datasheet that has the BASIC INFORMATION explained in
relatively SIMPLE TERMS and if possible EXAMPLES. I think everyone must like
datasheets that have several examples of how to use the components. Do some
manufactures automaticaly provide this or is it based on (as it seems) their
wim or perhaps the complexity of the component?

Chretien wrote:

What I like is a datasheet that has the BASIC INFORMATION explained in
relatively SIMPLE TERMS and if possible EXAMPLES. I think everyone must like

Not answering your question, but this site has got an awesome collection
of datasheets:


Rikard Bosnjakovic http://bos.hack.org/cv/

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"Chretien" <Cretian@123.com> wrote in message
Often when you look up a component you find a site with perhaps 6 or 7
datasheets on the same component eg Fairchild, NTE, Motorola. etc.. I
usually Look at one or two take the shortest unless there are examples and
then download it so I have a copy in future for my hard drive. Some of
sheets have all sorts of manufacturing info. You know how many on a reel,
how far they are spaced apart, real factory info. I avoid those becuase
can be 5 or 10 extra pages.

Because Im a novice I generally can only glean or understand the most
info in these sheets, but force my selt to try to understand them. And
familierize myself with the terms and layout.

Anyway, my question is this. Is one manf data sheet better than another
me? Instead of reading all 5 or 6 datasheets should i start with one
manufacturer. Do some of you have preferences and for what reason ?

You are asking us what datasheet is best for you. You are really the only
one qualified to answer that question. Use whatever works most effectively
for you. If simple is what you work best with, then simple ones are what
you should look for.

As for me...

I prefer datasheets that are as complete as possible. This usually means
whatever datasheet has the most pages is the one I want. If electronics is
your hobby it is fine and dandy to make something unreliable and spend lots
of time fiddling around with trial and error trying to fix it/replace
destroyed components. If you are serious about electronics though, it is
invaluable to know as much about the components you are using as you can.
You simply can't make products that are going to be reliable and fully
functional right from the start on the first iteration unless you fully
understand your components. The more information the manufacturer provides,
the more you know about the parts, the more likely you are to obtain good
success. As it is I pretty much always find myself wishing for even more
information on the datasheets than is provided. You can never know too much
about even the simplest of products. Even resistors need datasheets. In my
experience often the best datasheets for me are the ones produced by the
industry leaders for that particular product. For instance I consider
Fairchild and International Rectifier to be the industry leaders in the
power MOSFET area, and their datasheets also happen to be the best.

If I were you I would put great effort into learning what all the parameters
and graphs in the datasheets mean. You will likely find that you are more
able to make effective products if you learn what every single thing on the
datasheet means.
The best datasheet is the one of the same brand of the chip.
The best pages are the ones you need.
The best written is the one you can understand.

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