Looking for a circuit element that is pretty exponential in i-v down to
about 1pA. Maybe even 10pA. Starting from maybe 10nA. Trying to
simulate a vacuum tunnel junction for STM. I know a lot of stuff has
this, e.g. diode, jfet, bipolar, but I don't have a good idea if they
pitter out at such low currents. For example, I think a particular
diode has exponential iv with one slope from 10mA-.1uA, then a different
slope from .1uA to 100pA, then pitters out after that.
Even though I'm looking for "only" 4 decades of exponential-ness, I
don't think it is a good idea to get these 4 decades at a higher
current, and then divide down the current, coz that adds a lot of noise.
Oh yeah, I'm looking for low noise too.
about 1pA. Maybe even 10pA. Starting from maybe 10nA. Trying to
simulate a vacuum tunnel junction for STM. I know a lot of stuff has
this, e.g. diode, jfet, bipolar, but I don't have a good idea if they
pitter out at such low currents. For example, I think a particular
diode has exponential iv with one slope from 10mA-.1uA, then a different
slope from .1uA to 100pA, then pitters out after that.
Even though I'm looking for "only" 4 decades of exponential-ness, I
don't think it is a good idea to get these 4 decades at a higher
current, and then divide down the current, coz that adds a lot of noise.
Oh yeah, I'm looking for low noise too.