Where to look for microwave oven fault?


Eric R Snow

Greetings All,
My microwave oven just quit heating. Before I scrap it for parts maybe
I can instead fix it. When set to defrost the power cycles on and off.
And you can tell by the lower fan sound and the light slightly dimming
when it is supposed to be heating.. It still does this but nothing
gets hot. Whether defrost or full power. So, I think the transformer
must still be getting power. Any thoughts? Do magnetrons eventually
fail? I have another oven that's over twenty years old and it still
works fine.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow
Suggestion, if you don't know the safety procedures to troubleshoot these
devices take it to a service center. They can be lethal when improperly
serviced. Numerous things may cause the unit to not heat. Inclusive of
controller defect, thermal cut-out devices, safety switches failing or
mis-adjusted, defect in the HV diode - Capacitor area, Magnetron, and
Transformer. Of course, interconnects, etc can also cause problems. Again,
unless you know how to work on these items, for your own safety, do not!!
"Eric R Snow" <etpm@whidbey.com> wrote in message
Greetings All,
My microwave oven just quit heating. Before I scrap it for parts maybe
I can instead fix it. When set to defrost the power cycles on and off.
And you can tell by the lower fan sound and the light slightly dimming
when it is supposed to be heating.. It still does this but nothing
gets hot. Whether defrost or full power. So, I think the transformer
must still be getting power. Any thoughts? Do magnetrons eventually
fail? I have another oven that's over twenty years old and it still
works fine.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow
I double what Art said.

No offense intended, but microwave ovens are definitely NOT for
inexperienced troubleshooters. The high voltages inside can really put you
in a world of hurt.

Besides, microwave ovens are so inexpensive now that you can probably buy
one new at Y'all Mart cheaper than a replacement magnetron would cost.
On Sat, 08 May 2004 15:19:29 GMT, "Matt J. McCullar"
<mccullar@flash.net> wrote:

I double what Art said.

No offense intended, but microwave ovens are definitely NOT for
inexperienced troubleshooters. The high voltages inside can really put you
in a world of hurt.

Besides, microwave ovens are so inexpensive now that you can probably buy
one new at Y'all Mart cheaper than a replacement magnetron would cost.

It bugs me to throw away something when it can be fixed. And I don't
shop at wall mart. I won't be trying to trouble shoot this thing
powered up. If it can't be done that way then I'll get a new one. I
know about high voltage and know enough not to mess with it. Can the
HV diode be checked with a VOM?
I will have to agree with the two previous post. Trouble shooting a
Microwave is quite a task sometimes. I used to work with them about 10
years ago, and they were complex even then. Now with the technology we have
today, I wouldn't even open one up. Plus I don't have the equipment to do
it anymore. Unless someone has a special trick, you will need more then
just an OHMS meter to trace a problem.

My suggestion. If you are not experienced with Microwaves, don't do it.
You could attempt it, but the money you will spend, will out the cost of a
new one. If you took it to a shop, you might get lucky and they get by with
using a used part, and find the problem right off the bat, the cost would be

But if you insist on getting suggestions, my first thought was the
Magnetron, however, after reading Art's post, I have to agree with him.
There are several areas to check. There is something that is preventing the
Magnetron from working. You will have to track it down. But then again, I
am still working with knowledge I used 10 years ago. Technology has made
quite a bit advancements since then.

Once again, as the other's suggested, dispose of the unit, and get a new
one. If you insist on repairing it, take it to a shop that has all the
equipment and knowledge to work with them. If you decide that you want to
try it yourself, please be careful. I worked on a TV the other day that I
know I discharged the Flyback, and I still got a good jolt from it (nothing
life threatening, but enough to let me know I was careless upon discharging
it). Just be careful! (Ok, enough for me, I will step down from my soap box


"Eric R Snow" <etpm@whidbey.com> wrote in message
On Sat, 08 May 2004 15:19:29 GMT, "Matt J. McCullar"
mccullar@flash.net> wrote:

I double what Art said.

No offense intended, but microwave ovens are definitely NOT for
inexperienced troubleshooters. The high voltages inside can really put
in a world of hurt.

Besides, microwave ovens are so inexpensive now that you can probably buy
one new at Y'all Mart cheaper than a replacement magnetron would cost.

It bugs me to throw away something when it can be fixed. And I don't
shop at wall mart. I won't be trying to trouble shoot this thing
powered up. If it can't be done that way then I'll get a new one. I
know about high voltage and know enough not to mess with it. Can the
HV diode be checked with a VOM?
On Sat, 08 May 2004 09:42:25 -0700, Eric R Snow <etpm@whidbey.com>

On Sat, 08 May 2004 15:19:29 GMT, "Matt J. McCullar"
mccullar@flash.net> wrote:

I double what Art said.

No offense intended, but microwave ovens are definitely NOT for
inexperienced troubleshooters. The high voltages inside can really put you
in a world of hurt.

Besides, microwave ovens are so inexpensive now that you can probably buy
one new at Y'all Mart cheaper than a replacement magnetron would cost.

It bugs me to throw away something when it can be fixed. And I don't
shop at wall mart. I won't be trying to trouble shoot this thing
powered up. If it can't be done that way then I'll get a new one. I
know about high voltage and know enough not to mess with it. Can the
HV diode be checked with a VOM?

That was part of the warning. A microwave, particulary a
malfunctioning one, can hold lethal voltage even after being
unplugged. Don't even think about sticking a cheap VOM on anything
while it's plugged in.

Eric R Snow wrote:
Greetings All,
My microwave oven just quit heating. Before I scrap it for parts maybe
I can instead fix it. When set to defrost the power cycles on and off.
And you can tell by the lower fan sound and the light slightly dimming
when it is supposed to be heating.. It still does this but nothing
gets hot. Whether defrost or full power. So, I think the transformer
must still be getting power. Any thoughts? Do magnetrons eventually
fail? I have another oven that's over twenty years old and it still
works fine.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow
You've been given a lot of GOOD advice NOT to work on it if you don't
know what you're doin'. You can kill yourself even if it's been off
for a long time.

I'd vote for a bad diode or cap. Mine has fuses that blow when the
diode shorts. No, you need to put some volts on the diode to test it.
Typical meter on ohms doesn't put out enough volts to turn it on.
Of course, if it's shorted, you can see that.

Remember, the cap can kill you!!!!! If you think you can check the
cap for volts with your meter, think again. Cheap meters will blow up
on a fully charged cap. You'll hurt yourself on the sharp metal when
you come flying out of the case. Make sure you pee before you start.
Smaller wet spot to clean up...assuming you live.

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On Sat, 08 May 2004 13:13:36 -0700, mike <spamme0@juno.com> wrote:

Eric R Snow wrote:
Greetings All,
My microwave oven just quit heating. Before I scrap it for parts maybe
I can instead fix it. When set to defrost the power cycles on and off.
And you can tell by the lower fan sound and the light slightly dimming
when it is supposed to be heating.. It still does this but nothing
gets hot. Whether defrost or full power. So, I think the transformer
must still be getting power. Any thoughts? Do magnetrons eventually
fail? I have another oven that's over twenty years old and it still
works fine.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow

You've been given a lot of GOOD advice NOT to work on it if you don't
know what you're doin'. You can kill yourself even if it's been off
for a long time.

I'd vote for a bad diode or cap. Mine has fuses that blow when the
diode shorts. No, you need to put some volts on the diode to test it.
Typical meter on ohms doesn't put out enough volts to turn it on.
Of course, if it's shorted, you can see that.

Remember, the cap can kill you!!!!! If you think you can check the
cap for volts with your meter, think again. Cheap meters will blow up
on a fully charged cap. You'll hurt yourself on the sharp metal when
you come flying out of the case. Make sure you pee before you start.
Smaller wet spot to clean up...assuming you live.
I should have said I know about how to discharge a cap. I know that
dangerous voltages (lethal) can be stored a long time. I won't be
sticking a crappy VOM or my fingers or anything else conductive where
it shouldn't be. I won't be doing anything with the power on. I won't
be pointing the magnetron at my crotch. What I would like to know is
if there is something I can check after the HV xmfr with a VOM. If
not, then it gets trashed. (I do need another xmfr for that spot
welder). Thanks for the warnings.
See the Microwave Oven Repair Guide at the site below.

However, the warnings of the others should be taken most seriously.
The microwave oven is by far the most lethal of all consumer electronics
and appliances. The magnetron is powered by a circuit that can provide
up to 5 thousand volts at a substantial fraction of an AMP or more.
One doesn't get a second chance.

Even when unplugged, there is a high voltage capacitor that can retain
a nasty charge.

At least read the SAFETY info.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
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contact me, please use the feedback form on the S.E.R FAQ Web sites.
"Ricky Eck" <lizard7151971@verizon.net> writes:

I will have to agree with the two previous post. Trouble shooting a
Microwave is quite a task sometimes. I used to work with them about 10
years ago, and they were complex even then. Now with the technology we have
today, I wouldn't even open one up. Plus I don't have the equipment to do
it anymore. Unless someone has a special trick, you will need more then
just an OHMS meter to trace a problem.
Not necessarily. While I agree with you on the warnings of the previous
posts, it is possible to troubleshoot most microwave oven faults with
little more than an ohmmeter and common sense. In fact, one of the things
to be avoided is testing it live.

In this case, the problem could be as simple as a bad connection to the
magnetron filament wiring.

However, it is essential to read and understand the SAFETY implications
of working on a microwave oven.

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm
| Mirror Site Info: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_mirror.html

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contact me, please use the feedback form on the S.E.R FAQ Web sites.
"Eric R Snow" <etpm@whidbey.com> wrote in message
Greetings All,
My microwave oven just quit heating. Before I scrap it for parts maybe
I can instead fix it. When set to defrost the power cycles on and off.
And you can tell by the lower fan sound and the light slightly dimming
when it is supposed to be heating.. It still does this but nothing
gets hot. Whether defrost or full power. So, I think the transformer
must still be getting power. Any thoughts? Do magnetrons eventually
fail? I have another oven that's over twenty years old and it still
works fine.
Thank You,
Eric R Snow
My own experience as an amateur to repairing microwave ovens might be
worthwhile to describe -
Being fully aware of the extreme danger in working on one of these things, I
was very careful when my unit stopped heating. I checked out the various
interlock switches; I checked (VERY carefully) the operation of the
transformer; the diode SEEMED ok when doing a resistance check with a
multimeter, however I did not want to part with the money for a new one, so
I looked into it further. I referred to the trusty www.repairfaq.org and,
sure enough, found the manner in which I could test this properly. I found
the diode was ok. That left only the magnetron. At that point I decided it
was much cheaper (and safer) to buy a new microwave oven at a discount

It sounds like that is the best plan. Safely discharge the cap, do what
tests are possible with the diode but otherwise just give it a general
looking over in case it really is just a bad connection somewhere...but if
nothing looks out of the ordinary then scrap the unit. Keep in mind that
this is the most likely outcome.
In article <693q909rtl55sj7r925rijgr4nlr3g79ta@4ax.com>, Eric R Snow
<etpm@whidbey.com> writes
On Sat, 08 May 2004 15:19:29 GMT, "Matt J. McCullar"
mccullar@flash.net> wrote:

I double what Art said.

No offense intended, but microwave ovens are definitely NOT for
inexperienced troubleshooters. The high voltages inside can really put you
in a world of hurt.

Besides, microwave ovens are so inexpensive now that you can probably buy
one new at Y'all Mart cheaper than a replacement magnetron would cost.

It bugs me to throw away something when it can be fixed.
Quite right- to do so is wasteful! It's a moral duty to get it fixed
and not to use up more land-fill.

Go on open it up dead, a lot of faults with microwave ovens are caused
with vapours entering the electrical compartments.

And I don't
shop at wall mart. I won't be trying to trouble shoot this thing
powered up. If it can't be done that way then I'll get a new one. I
know about high voltage and know enough not to mess with it. Can the
HV diode be checked with a VOM?
What's a VOM?
Remove all Zeds in e-mail address to reply.
"Sam Goldwasser" <sam@saul.cis.upenn.edu> wrote in message
"Ricky Eck" <lizard7151971@verizon.net> writes:

I will have to agree with the two previous post. Trouble shooting a
Microwave is quite a task sometimes. I used to work with them about 10
years ago, and they were complex even then. Now with the technology we
today, I wouldn't even open one up. Plus I don't have the equipment to
it anymore. Unless someone has a special trick, you will need more then
just an OHMS meter to trace a problem.

Huh? Dangerous if you don't know what you're doing yes, but complex? Hardly,
they're about the simplest appliance there is, really not much to them, a
magnetron, transformer, capacitor, diode, some interlock switches and a
control board, that's about all that's in there. Only thing I've ever seen
fail on the control board has been solder joints and occasionally the triac.
Most common problem is a blown fuse, microwaves are the only thing I've seen
regularly blow a fuse with no apparent problems otherwise. Next most common
problem is a bad interlock switch. Transformer almost never fails,
magnetron, diode and cap are all pretty easy to test, however I NEVER do
live testing on these, always unplug it and discharge the capacitor. I leave
a jumper clip across the cap until I'm done working in there, just don't
forget to remove it.
"Ricky Eck" <lizard7151971@verizon.net> writes:

What's a VOM?

Volts Ohms Meter
Translation: One with a meter needle instead of an LCD. :)

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm
| Mirror Site Info: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_mirror.html

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