Matthew Gunn
This may be a little off topic but does anyone know a good place to
learn about robotics in Perth? Preferably a Registered Training
Organisation as I have some training credits to use up and am interested
in playing around with robotics. The local TAFE's have a course in
industrial automation and robotics but it seems to only go into the
operation of industrial robots. I am more interested in the design and
development side of things.
On another side issue, does anyone know where I can get some small hobby
size solar cells? The only ones I can find so far are the ones at Dick
Smith which only put out about 1V and I think 20 or 30 mA. Is there any
better ones available in Perth? (Ahhh Perth. Great place, great people,
just a shame you can't get anything here).
learn about robotics in Perth? Preferably a Registered Training
Organisation as I have some training credits to use up and am interested
in playing around with robotics. The local TAFE's have a course in
industrial automation and robotics but it seems to only go into the
operation of industrial robots. I am more interested in the design and
development side of things.
On another side issue, does anyone know where I can get some small hobby
size solar cells? The only ones I can find so far are the ones at Dick
Smith which only put out about 1V and I think 20 or 30 mA. Is there any
better ones available in Perth? (Ahhh Perth. Great place, great people,
just a shame you can't get anything here).