Where to get printed PIC manuals?


Glenn Ashmore

All of the PIC books I have say to get the 16F87X datasheet and the PIC
midrange refference manual. I checked the Microchip site but indombination
with the MPLAB and MPASM manuals that is over 2,000 pages. I have printed
out sections as I have needed them but now I huge a pile of gem clipped and
stapled pages that are almost impossible to find anything in.

Is there any way to order the manuals printed and bound? I can't find any
way on their web site and none of the distributors seem to have them.

And please refrain from telling me to just look it up on the web. That is
how I made this mess in the first place. Plus you can't take a computer to
the bathroom. :)

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com
Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com
On Fri, 1 Apr 2005 13:01:31 -0500, Glenn Ashmore wrote:

All of the PIC books I have say to get the 16F87X datasheet and the PIC
midrange refference manual. I checked the Microchip site but indombination
with the MPLAB and MPASM manuals that is over 2,000 pages. I have printed
out sections as I have needed them but now I huge a pile of gem clipped and
stapled pages that are almost impossible to find anything in.

Is there any way to order the manuals printed and bound? I can't find any
way on their web site and none of the distributors seem to have them.

And please refrain from telling me to just look it up on the web. That is
how I made this mess in the first place. Plus you can't take a computer to
the bathroom. :)
I plan on having a data jack and laptop in the sh*tter one day. I
enjoy hte trip, but it takes time. Why not multitask?

So get off the pot, download them, and print what you need on the
back of old printouts or whatever. Go to the office supply store and
get what you need to bind and index them. That's the whole idea of
not printing databooks these days... cost and environment. Companies
have moved awy from printed data books. Plant a tree.

I have absolutely no qualms about the PIC refs I've printed out,
though at one time I thought I did.
Best Regards,
As I said, printing out parts is not acceptable solution. What got me
looking for a printed manual this time was spending hours trying to figure
out why something didn't work only to find that the simple solution was in a
section that I had not printed.

Glenn Ashmore

I'm building a 45' cutter in strip/composite. Watch my progress (or lack
there of) at: http://www.rutuonline.com
Shameless Commercial Division: http://www.spade-anchor-us.com

In article <Sqi3e.98684$SF.90199@lakeread08>,
Glenn Ashmore <gashmore@cox.net> wrote:
As I said, printing out parts is not acceptable solution. What got me
looking for a printed manual this time was spending hours trying to figure
out why something didn't work only to find that the simple solution was in a
section that I had not printed.
The solution is still the same. Take the PDF to Kinko's and have them print
and bind it.


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