This is a simple switched capacitor filter made by National. Would
somebody send me a copy, or at least provide a URL that HAS it!!! and not
datasheet or alldata crap! If AppNote available that too please.
I just went through the most frustrating 45 minutes trying to get a simple
!@#$#@!#$ data sheet! Google search shows 8,000+ pages of either alldata,
or datasheet, ok so tried going to both, all I got there were ads for
unrelated chips and ?? couldn't even tell, kept asking me to download a
pdf viewer!! what?!
So thought I'd go to the source [which I usually do first] went to
<http://www.national.com> which of course took me to <http://www.ti.com>
because TI bought out National and TI's website is usually pretty easy to
navigate so did a search for LMF90 only to come up with nothing found.
I'd like a URL ending in .pdf so I can click on it and select 'download
the contents of the link', instead of going off to some jave infected
website that either hangs, delays, my system or wants to give me videos,
and no where in sight is a place to get a copy of the datasheet. Even the
'view' data sheet resulted in nothing happening!! arrrggg! ...temporary
end of rant.
So, anybody have a copy, or know a 'good' URL?
somebody send me a copy, or at least provide a URL that HAS it!!! and not
datasheet or alldata crap! If AppNote available that too please.
I just went through the most frustrating 45 minutes trying to get a simple
!@#$#@!#$ data sheet! Google search shows 8,000+ pages of either alldata,
or datasheet, ok so tried going to both, all I got there were ads for
unrelated chips and ?? couldn't even tell, kept asking me to download a
pdf viewer!! what?!
So thought I'd go to the source [which I usually do first] went to
<http://www.national.com> which of course took me to <http://www.ti.com>
because TI bought out National and TI's website is usually pretty easy to
navigate so did a search for LMF90 only to come up with nothing found.
I'd like a URL ending in .pdf so I can click on it and select 'download
the contents of the link', instead of going off to some jave infected
website that either hangs, delays, my system or wants to give me videos,
and no where in sight is a place to get a copy of the datasheet. Even the
'view' data sheet resulted in nothing happening!! arrrggg! ...temporary
end of rant.
So, anybody have a copy, or know a 'good' URL?