Most of the manuals for the very old electronics, especially tube gear,
can be gotten online for free. But I am looking for a manual for a newer
piece of equipment. All I am finding are bogus websites that try to get
me to download something else, or sites that want payment for a PDF file
I did find one site that actually had the manual, but it was written in
a foreign language (not sure what lang).
I am looking for the manual for a Kenwood stereo synthesizer tuner,
model KT-76. I mostly need the user manual because this is a complicated
piece of gear that I cant figure out how to operate all the buttons on
it. But having a schematic and service manual would also be nice.
It appears that a Kenwood KT-550-L has the same manual. (Probably just a
different appearance box with the same electronics inside).
I believe this tuner was made in the 80s, bu I am not real sure. I
bought it (used) for a very good price, including the remote, but no
manual. Using it appears to require a rocket scientist to program it. I
must find a manual....
I'd appreciate any links.
can be gotten online for free. But I am looking for a manual for a newer
piece of equipment. All I am finding are bogus websites that try to get
me to download something else, or sites that want payment for a PDF file
I did find one site that actually had the manual, but it was written in
a foreign language (not sure what lang).
I am looking for the manual for a Kenwood stereo synthesizer tuner,
model KT-76. I mostly need the user manual because this is a complicated
piece of gear that I cant figure out how to operate all the buttons on
it. But having a schematic and service manual would also be nice.
It appears that a Kenwood KT-550-L has the same manual. (Probably just a
different appearance box with the same electronics inside).
I believe this tuner was made in the 80s, bu I am not real sure. I
bought it (used) for a very good price, including the remote, but no
manual. Using it appears to require a rocket scientist to program it. I
must find a manual....
I'd appreciate any links.