Skelton John
Hi, I am new here. I am a designer at an electronic company. Now I want to design some gadget for hobby. Operation Dancing Light, circuit diagram: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xk6tMYM9zBk/VOq7IiC_T-I/AAAAAAAAARI/4mazrjp0RmQ/s1600/Christmas1.png
Parts List
All the base presets are = 10K,
All the collector resistors are 470 Ohms,
All the diodes are = 1N4148,
All NPN transistors are = BC547,
The single PNP transistor is = BC557,
All the triacs are = BT136,
The input capacitor = 0.22uF/25V non polar
I want to modify this to a music monitor. But Find no where to find electronic components. Any one have a suggestion about where to buy the electronic components above? If you have any suggestion, i would be appreciate. thank you
Parts List
All the base presets are = 10K,
All the collector resistors are 470 Ohms,
All the diodes are = 1N4148,
All NPN transistors are = BC547,
The single PNP transistor is = BC557,
All the triacs are = BT136,
The input capacitor = 0.22uF/25V non polar
I want to modify this to a music monitor. But Find no where to find electronic components. Any one have a suggestion about where to buy the electronic components above? If you have any suggestion, i would be appreciate. thank you