Where to buy LED flashlights in New York City?



LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?
I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores. Apparently, I
am told that they are not yet selling as well as the conventional type. I am
told that one of the disadvantages are, is that they are still not as bright
as the light bulb type.

I bought a few keychain holders with one of these. It is good in the dark to
find the key-hole, or look for something that does not require a powerful



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?
But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.
How big do you want them?? 99c stores sell keychain units in a variety
of colors (not white, though). Pathmark sells small white-LED keychain
"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them.
Wal-Mart, Target, any camping store should carry them.
They're easy to find here in nowhere indiana..

The one I like, is usually at knife stores, the Inova X-5
White, Red, Green, Blue, or UV wavelengths available.
"Jerry G." wrote:
I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores. Apparently, I
am told that they are not yet selling as well as the conventional type. I am
told that one of the disadvantages are, is that they are still not as bright
as the light bulb type.

I bought a few keychain holders with one of these. It is good in the dark to
find the key-hole, or look for something that does not require a powerful



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?

Another drawback is the painfully high price. And if you want the
ability to focus the beam, as can be done with a MagLite, you will be
disappointed with an LED light. No, although LED flashlights are OK for
some close-in work (e.g. finding a keyhole), they don't replace a
standard flashlight.

But as for finding in NYC, what's wrong with ordering from the web?
Michael wrote:
Another drawback is the painfully high price.

Yes, but in many applications it can be more than justified.

And if you want the
ability to focus the beam, as can be done with a MagLite, you will be
disappointed with an LED light. No, although LED flashlights are OK for
some close-in work (e.g. finding a keyhole), they don't replace a
standard flashlight.

Not true. For example, have a look at the following review on the EverLED--a regulated high intensity LED that is a direct drop in replacement for a normal "PR" type flashbulb and will work with anything from 1 to 6 cells. With a standard 2 cell flashlight it has nearly 3 times the throw and 3 times the total light output (these are different) of a standard bulb (not to mention that the batteries will last 4-7 times longer with it! Don't forget the cost of batteries). Notice that it also has a diffuse type dispersion pattern so it WILL focus with a Mag's adjustable lens.


The problem it that even though there are many different types of LED based flashlites on the market, most of them at present are marketing gimmicks and just plain garbage. There are some that are truely innovative--a little expensive but comparable to the many other LED models out there and many of them aren't evwen sold in retail stores yet. There are some really good ones. ARC's most recent model (the ARC4+) is only about 3 inches long, fits in your pocket, and on its highest setting (it has 16), it is as bright as a tactical flashlight (much brighter than, say, a 6 D cell Maglight--it uses the new Luxeon star LED I believe).

I have an ARC AAA myself. It is almost as bright, more white, more evenly lit than a mini-Mag with 2 AA batteries in it. Furthermore, the ARC AAA uses only 1 AAA battery and will go for nearly 7 hours before starting to dim--the AA Mag will only last about 1.5 to 2 hours before dropping to that level. Furthermore, the LED is rated to last for 30,0000 hours or more. How many Mag-light bulbs at $4 apiece would you replace in that period of time?

For more information that is likely better than hearsay, check out the LED discussion groups at:


You'll be surprised at what is happening in flashlight land these days :)

- Jeff
"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores. Apparently, I
am told that they are not yet selling as well as the conventional type. I
told that one of the disadvantages are, is that they are still not as
as the light bulb type.
I'm not so sure about that in the latest versions; I just got
one of these (as a freebie at a trade show, so I have no idea
what they'd cost) using a single LumiLeds white LED and
a 3V lithium battery. About the size of an "AA"-battery
Maglite, although stubbier and bit fatter - and this sucker is
BRIGHT. I haven't measured the light output, but the folks
from LumiLeds said that they're pushing into the 100-1000
lumens range with their LEDs. I can easily see a flashlight
using several of these LEDs as being more than
bright enough to replace my trusty 3-cell Maglite.

Bob M.
I bought a few keychain holders with one of these. It is good in the dark
find the key-hole, or look for something that does not require a powerful



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?
Bob Myers wrote:
"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores.
Apparently, I am told that they are not yet selling as well as the
conventional type. I am told that one of the disadvantages are, is
that they are still not as bright as the light bulb type.

I'm not so sure about that in the latest versions; I just got
one of these (as a freebie at a trade show, so I have no idea
what they'd cost) using a single LumiLeds white LED and
a 3V lithium battery. About the size of an "AA"-battery
Maglite, although stubbier and bit fatter - and this sucker is
BRIGHT. I haven't measured the light output, but the folks
from LumiLeds said that they're pushing into the 100-1000
lumens range with their LEDs. I can easily see a flashlight
using several of these LEDs as being more than
bright enough to replace my trusty 3-cell Maglite.
I totally agree (and have--previously--in this forum). I used mini-mags at
work for years. In the last five years, my flashlight of choice is my
three-AA C. Crane flashlight. There's just no comparison. If you want a
focused beam, a mini-mag is just not the ticket, anyway. It doesn't have
enough oomph to get farther than ten feet or so, and only emits a really
powerful beam for a matter of minutes before starting to dim--and that's
only with a new bulb--as the bulb itself starts to 'silver up' like an old
radio tube before you know it. Drop it while illuminated, and you're
fumbling around in the dark for the spare bulb (unless you've already used
it, then you're SOL). I can juggle, drop, kick or use my flashlight for a
hammer, if I'm so inclined. "Takes a lickin' and...."

My flashlight provides sustained high output for 100 hours on a set of AA's
(and will remain useful for 50 hours past that point). I *never* have to
replace the 'bulbs.' They're as bright as the day it was delivered, five
years ago.

I think that eventually, LED's are going to almost completely overtake the
market in just a few years.

"Bob Myers" <nospamplease@address.invalid> wrote:
I'm not so sure about that in the latest versions; I just got
one of these (as a freebie at a trade show, so I have no idea
what they'd cost) using a single LumiLeds white LED and
a 3V lithium battery.
Does it look like
http://store.yahoo.com/flashlight/arclshstandard.html ?? If so,
that's a pretty pricey tradeshow handout! 8*) I've got one with a
screw-on cap and a belt holster that fits a spare battery, and it goes
everywhere with me. Really nice!

William Smith
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com
"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?
I would have thought that the CRI of white leds is so poor that they would
be of little use in photography - or do the cameras do something clever when
using these light sources?
Michael <NoSpam@att.net> wrote:

"Jerry G." wrote:

I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores. Apparently, I
am told that they are not yet selling as well as the conventional type. I am
told that one of the disadvantages are, is that they are still not as bright
as the light bulb type.

I bought a few keychain holders with one of these. It is good in the dark to
find the key-hole, or look for something that does not require a powerful



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?

Another drawback is the painfully high price. And if you want the
ability to focus the beam, as can be done with a MagLite, you will be
disappointed with an LED light. No, although LED flashlights are OK for
some close-in work (e.g. finding a keyhole), they don't replace a
standard flashlight.

But as for finding in NYC, what's wrong with ordering from the web?
There are some VERY bright LED flashlights available, at appreciably higher
prices than the "keyhole" lights. Technology Associates http://www.techass.com
has a broad selection of lights, including a drop-in replacement for the bulb in
the MiniMag lights.
Can't report on how bright they really are (yet), the one I ordered will be
delivered next week ;-)

The primary value of LED flashlights is their long battery life and (almost)
eternal LED life.

More about me: http://www.jecarter.com/
VB3/VB6/C/PowerBasic source code: http://www.jecarter.com/programs.html
Freeware for the Palm with NS Basic source code: http://nsb.jecarter.com
Drivers for Pablo graphics tablet and JamCam cameras: http://home.earthlink.net/~mwbt/
johnecarter at@at mindspring dot.dot com. Fix the obvious to reply by email.
R.Lewis wrote:

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message

LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?

I would have thought that the CRI of white leds is so poor that they would
be of little use in photography - or do the cameras do something clever when
using these light sources?
Some, or perhaps now most, of the top of the line scanners
use them for a light source in place of those short lived
cold cathode flourescents...

Take care.

Dave VanHorn wrote:

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message

LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them.

Wal-Mart, Target, any camping store should carry them.
They're easy to find here in nowhere indiana..

The one I like, is usually at knife stores, the Inova X-5
White, Red, Green, Blue, or UV wavelengths available.

WalMart, at least here in Canada, even offers them as
replacement auto bulbs - plug in replacements for
brake lights, back up, turn signals, etc. A little
pricey, but probably reasonable pay back when you
toss in the safety factor of no burnt out brake lights,

Take care.

Jeff Wiseman <wisemanja@earthlink.net> wrote in

UH,could you please set your news agent to 80 character line length,the
standard for UseNet?

Jim Yanik
Hi Bob,

I am going to shop around again, if this is the case. A few months back, I
was not as impressed as with a conventional lamp.

I was reading an article about a year ago, that was explaining that in a few
more years, we will be able to have our homes lit on LED technology.

I am now seeing more and more new models of automobiles using LEDs for the
rear lights.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Bob Myers" <nospamplease@address.invalid> wrote in message

"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I have seen them in some of the serious type camping stores. Here in
Montreal, I have seen a few types in the Radio Shack stores. Apparently, I
am told that they are not yet selling as well as the conventional type. I
told that one of the disadvantages are, is that they are still not as
as the light bulb type.
I'm not so sure about that in the latest versions; I just got
one of these (as a freebie at a trade show, so I have no idea
what they'd cost) using a single LumiLeds white LED and
a 3V lithium battery. About the size of an "AA"-battery
Maglite, although stubbier and bit fatter - and this sucker is
BRIGHT. I haven't measured the light output, but the folks
from LumiLeds said that they're pushing into the 100-1000
lumens range with their LEDs. I can easily see a flashlight
using several of these LEDs as being more than
bright enough to replace my trusty 3-cell Maglite.

Bob M.
I bought a few keychain holders with one of these. It is good in the dark
find the key-hole, or look for something that does not require a powerful



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?
I have seen some UV LED flashlights. To me, these are a sort of novelty.
But, what would be the practical use for a UV LED type flashlight? I found
the power level to also be very low.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG
WebPage http://www.zoom-one.com
Electronics http://www.zoom-one.com/electron.htm

"Dave VanHorn" <dvanhorn@cedar.net> wrote in message

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message
LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them.
Wal-Mart, Target, any camping store should carry them.
They're easy to find here in nowhere indiana..

The one I like, is usually at knife stores, the Inova X-5
White, Red, Green, Blue, or UV wavelengths available.
On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:27:08 +0000 (UTC), Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

Jeff Wiseman <wisemanja@earthlink.net> wrote in

UH,could you please set your news agent to 80 character line length,the
standard for UseNet?
Wouldn't a line length of 72 characters be better, as it would allow
for additional quote characters, especially during long threads?

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 's' from my address when replying by email.
"Ken Weitzel" <kweitzel@shaw.ca> wrote in message
R.Lewis wrote:

"wylbur37" <wylbur37nospam@yahoo.com> wrote in message

LED flashlights seem to be getting more popular these days. There are
numerous websites that sell them, of different types and sizes.

But here in New York City, I have yet to find a retail store that
sells them. Radio Shack, for example, sells actual LEDs if you want to
make your own, but they don't seem to sell ready-made LED flashlights.

Does anyone know of some retail stores in the New York City area that
sell LED flashlights?

I would have thought that the CRI of white leds is so poor that they
be of little use in photography - or do the cameras do something clever
using these light sources?

Some, or perhaps now most, of the top of the line scanners
use them for a light source in place of those short lived
cold cathode flourescents...

Take care.
I can appreciate that, within certain limits, the CRI of the lightsource
doesn't matter in a scanner since it is always the same lightsource and can
be compensated for.
In a camera how does it know that the lightsource is a led, what type of
led, and how does it compensate for what is a very poor CRI.
Or are (most of) the cameras users just not bothered?
Franc Zabkar wrote:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:27:08 +0000 (UTC), Jim Yanik <jyanik@abuse.gov
put finger to keyboard and composed:

Jeff Wiseman <wisemanja@earthlink.net> wrote in

UH,could you please set your news agent to 80 character line length,the
standard for UseNet?

Wouldn't a line length of 72 characters be better, as it would allow
for additional quote characters, especially during long threads?


Sorry guys. I had set it for a very long length to email some big
URLs to some folks and I forgot to set it back. I normally use 65
since it allows for a couple of forwards.

- Jeff
I screwed up my line wrap in my original post--here it is again
with correction. Sorry all.

Jeff Wiseman wrote:
Michael wrote:

Another drawback is the painfully high price.

Yes, but in many applications it can be more than justified.

And if you want the
ability to focus the beam, as can be done with a MagLite, you
will be
disappointed with an LED light. No, although LED flashlights
are OK for
some close-in work (e.g. finding a keyhole), they don't replace
a standard flashlight.

Not true. For example, have a look at the following review on the
EverLED--a regulated high intensity LED that is a direct drop in
replacement for a normal "PR" type flashbulb and will work with
anything from 1 to 6 cells. With a standard 2 cell flashlight it
has nearly 3 times the throw and 3 times the total light output
(these are different) of a standard bulb (not to mention that the
batteries will last 4-7 times longer with it! Don't forget the cost
of batteries). Notice that it also has a diffuse type dispersion
pattern so it WILL focus with a Mag's adjustable lens.


The problem it that even though there are many different types of
LED based flashlites on the market, most of them at present are
marketing gimmicks and just plain garbage. There are some that
are truely innovative--a little expensive but comparable to the
many other LED models out there and many of them aren't evwen sold
in retail stores yet. There are some really good ones. ARC's most
recent model (the ARC4+) is only about 3 inches long, fits in your
pocket, and on its highest setting (it has 16), it is as bright as
a tactical flashlight (much brighter than, say, a 6 D cell
Maglight--it uses the new Luxeon star LED I believe).

I have an ARC AAA myself. It is almost as bright, more white, more
evenly lit than a mini-Mag with 2 AA batteries in it. Furthermore,
the ARC AAA uses only 1 AAA battery and will go for nearly 7 hours
before starting to dim--the AA Mag will only last about 1.5 to 2
hours before dropping to that level. Furthermore, the LED is rated
to last for 30,0000 hours or more. How many Mag-light bulbs at $4
apiece would you replace in that period of time?

For more information that is likely better than hearsay, check
out the LED discussion groups at:


You'll be surprised at what is happening in flashlight land
these days :)

- Jeff

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