Where to buy a small wheel hub motor?


John Doe

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub motor
(with wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?



Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?

On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 18:23:51 +0000, John Doe wrote:

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub motor (with
wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?



Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?

Why not buy from the links you posted?

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse
Meat Plow <mhywatt yahoo.com> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub
motor (with wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?



Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?


Why not buy from the links you posted?
Because that option does not exist.

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse

Path: news.astraweb.com!border5.newsrouter.astraweb.com!news-
From: Meat Plow <mhywatt yahoo.com
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.repair,sci.electronics.basics
Subject: Re: Where to buy a small wheel hub motor?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 18:56:03 +0000 (UTC)
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In article <4c7bf737$0$5985$c3e8da3@news.astraweb.com>,
John Doe <jdoe@usenetlove.invalid> wrote:

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub motor
(with wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?



Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?

You can buy shit almost anywhere, but if you want the best, there's only
one company.

Smitty Two <prestwhich earthlink.net> wrote:

John Doe <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> wrote:

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub motor
(with wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?



Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?


You can buy shit almost anywhere,
How about a high quality small wheel hub motor (with wheel) like
the one used for powered Trikkes?

but if you want the best, there's only one company.

Apparently they are not for sale there.

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From: Smitty Two <prestwhich earthlink.net
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.repair,sci.electronics.basics
Subject: Re: Where to buy a small wheel hub motor?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 22:43:08 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Per John Doe:
but if you want the best, there's only one company.


Apparently they are not for sale there.
A lot of bike motors come from China and my experience is that
almost anything from China is iffey: might be OK, might be
junk... even the same make/model may vary greatly. I had one
item where they couldn't even thread a shaft properly and it had
to be replaced.

So, unless you can afford top dollar for something from a
European maker, the firewall between you and the Chinese maker
becomes important.

It's not whether something is going to go wrong or not. Things
*will* go wrong. Instead, it's how the retailer handles it.

I bought a complete eBike conversion kit from one little guy and
got what I'm pretty sure is a bad battery. His only response
was to tell me to ship it to some middleman via hazmat shipping
and see what the middleman says. This guy didn't even have
batteries in stock.

OTOH, I bought a motor from ebikes.ca, had an issue with a noise
from the motor, and they made it right immediately and
painlessly. I would definitely recommend these guys to anybody
they will ship to.
In article <4c7cacd7$0$14397$c3e8da3@news.astraweb.com>,
John Doe <jdoe@usenetlove.invalid> wrote:


Apparently they are not for sale there.
They are the manufacturer. I assumed you could find your own distributor
with a modicum of googling, or perhaps asking the manufacturer for names
of distributors in your area, *after* you've perused the manufacturer's
specs to select the correct motor for your application. I stand
unequivocally by my assertion that you will not find a better hub motor
than Heinzmann.
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 05:22:48 +0000, John Doe wrote:

Meat Plow <mhywatt yahoo.com> wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Specifically, where can I buy a high quality small wheel hub motor
(with wheel) like the one used for powered Trikkes?

http://www.trikke.com/hd_2/Refurbished-Trikkes/Tribred-E-Kit-Upg rade


Or some other small wheel (16 inches or less) hub motor?


Why not buy from the links you posted?

Because that option does not exist.
First hit on Google.com


Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse
Meat Plow <mhywatt yahoo.com> wrote:


That looks better than anything I have come up so far, and I am no
slouch at research. Thanks.
Per John Doe:

That looks better than anything I have come up so far, and I am no
slouch at research. Thanks.
Keep in mind that you need a controller and a battery: both of
which have to be compatible with the motor.

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