Telespalla Bob
Hi, I am seeking for two micro rubber transmission belts to replace a
slacked one in two floppy drive.
The dimensions is 1,5x0,5mm for one, and 1x0,5mm other.
Lenght is about 11 and 10 cm.
Where I can find it in the web?
Here in Italy is hard to find..
Thanks and excuse for probably poor english.
Prima di rispondermi devi togliere le dita dal naso!!!
slacked one in two floppy drive.
The dimensions is 1,5x0,5mm for one, and 1x0,5mm other.
Lenght is about 11 and 10 cm.
Where I can find it in the web?
Here in Italy is hard to find..
Thanks and excuse for probably poor english.
Prima di rispondermi devi togliere le dita dal naso!!!