Where might I find old Halicrafters Radio links

Now that I was just talking about my old Halicrafters radio in the
shortwave antenna thread, I did a web search to see if I can find a
photo of this old shortwave radio I had as a kid. I know there's a
website that shows pictures of old tv sets, is there such a site for
old shortwave radios? I'd imagine it would be some sort of Ham site.
Anyone know?

In article <jbk8o4tl1grd8g7lkr70j3jl77t41dr68u@4ax.com>,
letterman@invalid.com says...
Now that I was just talking about my old Halicrafters radio in the
shortwave antenna thread, I did a web search to see if I can find a
photo of this old shortwave radio I had as a kid. I know there's a
website that shows pictures of old tv sets, is there such a site for
old shortwave radios? I'd imagine it would be some sort of Ham site.
Anyone know?


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