Where in ISE/Vivado are the chip specific resources listed?



I am trying to create a comparison list between various FPGAs in the
Xilinx universe. The unisim library lists all primitives, but not all of
the primitives listed in unisim are available in all architectures. I
have been poking around in ISE to try to find which file describes what
primitives are available in, say zynq 7c010. Spartan-6 would have the
primitive ISERDES2 while zynq would have ISERDESE2.

Anybody know where the per chip available primitives are stored?

On Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 6:48:34 AM UTC-8, Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:
I am trying to create a comparison list between various FPGAs in the
Xilinx universe. The unisim library lists all primitives, but not all of
the primitives listed in unisim are available in all architectures. I
have been poking around in ISE to try to find which file describes what
primitives are available in, say zynq 7c010. Spartan-6 would have the
primitive ISERDES2 while zynq would have ISERDESE2.

Anybody know where the per chip available primitives are stored?


This can be found in the Libraries Guide for each family. As an example UG953 documents the primitives that can be used within the 7 Series of FPGAs.

Ed McGettigan
Xilinx Inc.

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