Hi All,
When a SW engineer change their Bluetooth solution ( ex: from CSR to
TI, or vice versa ), what's the main effort it needs ? assume based on
Android end-product.
The only stuff in my mind is porting driver ( assume BT stack is
available, ex: BlueZ )
so, it is only few effort on the Bluetooth chip initialization,
right ?
I think in current market, all bluetooth chips should supporting UART,
and up to 4Mbps, right ?
When a SW engineer change their Bluetooth solution ( ex: from CSR to
TI, or vice versa ), what's the main effort it needs ? assume based on
Android end-product.
The only stuff in my mind is porting driver ( assume BT stack is
available, ex: BlueZ )
so, it is only few effort on the Bluetooth chip initialization,
right ?
I think in current market, all bluetooth chips should supporting UART,
and up to 4Mbps, right ?