what's wrong with this piece of code

Dear all,

My simulator thinks it's fine, but maxplus II gives errors on this
piece of code.

level_1_proc: process(clk)
if clk'event and clk='1' then
for i in 0 to 15 loop
sum_1(i*17+16 downto i*17)<=sxt(fifo((2*i)*16+15 downto
2*i*16),17) +

sxt(fifo((2*i+1)*16+15 downto (2*i+1)*16),17); --length is 17
dif_1(i*17+16 downto i*17)<=sxt(fifo((2*i)*16+15 downto
2*i*16),17) -
downto (2*i+1)*16),17); --length is 17
end loop;
end if;
end process;

As you see it's a clock sync process, but the trap has (I think)
something to do with the index of e.g. sum_1. Is it possible to do it
like i*17+16 etc? If not, are there settings in Maxplus or Quartuss II
to solve this problem?

peter.linotte@gmail.com wrote:

My simulator thinks it's fine,
Compiles fine, or sims with expected results?

but maxplus II
Maxplus II is obsolete and not up to this task.
Use quartus 5 or 6.

gives errors on this
piece of code.
There are lots of errors.
What is yours?

-- Mike Treseler
Hi Mike,

Up to now, I just used the sim to compile my code and to check for
syntax errors etc.

At work I've got Quartus...I think I'll try it there and get back here
in case there are still errors.


Mike Treseler wrote:
peter.linotte@gmail.com wrote:

My simulator thinks it's fine,

Compiles fine, or sims with expected results?

but maxplus II

Maxplus II is obsolete and not up to this task.
Use quartus 5 or 6.

gives errors on this
piece of code.

There are lots of errors.
What is yours?

-- Mike Treseler
peter.linotte@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Mike,

Up to now, I just used the sim to compile my code and to check for
syntax errors etc.

At work I've got Quartus...I think I'll try it there and get back here
in case there are still errors.


Mike Treseler wrote:
peter.linotte@gmail.com wrote:

My simulator thinks it's fine,

Compiles fine, or sims with expected results?

but maxplus II

Maxplus II is obsolete and not up to this task.
Use quartus 5 or 6.

gives errors on this
piece of code.

There are lots of errors.
What is yours?

-- Mike Treseler

just one more info : it's better to use

"if rising_edge(clk)" rather than "if clk'event and clk = '1' "

warm regards

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