Chris Williams
I am teaching myself from Thomas L. Floyd's "Principles of Electric
Circuits". So far (chapter 4) it seems that he has done a good job
describing all of the units and how they should be visualized except
for Joules (energy.) This he pretty much just says is "the amount of
available energy" but without making it any clearer.
It would appear that fundamentally everything boils down to 1.) the
quantity of electrons (Q), 2.) time (t), and 3.) energy (W.)
Q = Total quantity of electrons
t = time spent doing something with the electrons
W = "the amount of available energy"
So current is easy:
I = (number of electrons) / (time)
Rate at which electrons were moved (through a wire)
But voltage is problematic:
V = (W?) / (number of electrons)
Rate of "the amount of available energy" to the number of electrons
....which isn't terribly clear
Reading over the text a couple of times, and I am thinking that
voltage is the electrical version of "pressure"...?
So in water/piping terms, pressure would be a function of a) the
amount of water and b) the amount of "push" it had to make it want to
go into a pipe. Push would then be a product of gravity, mechanical
pumping, etc. So assuming that this is true then W == "Push."
Pressure = "Push"(kg) / Water(cm^2) for instance
So this allows me to understand a Volt
Voltage = "Push"(joules) / Electrons(coulomb)
But what is the electric version of "push"?
My current guess is that this is the total "negativity" or
"positivity" of a terminal on a power source. Which--in the case of a
battery say--would be the ratio of positively charged atoms to neutral
atoms in a positive electrode, or the number of free electrons to the
total number of neutral atoms in the negative electrode...?
Is this reading correct?
Thank you,
Chris Williams
Circuits". So far (chapter 4) it seems that he has done a good job
describing all of the units and how they should be visualized except
for Joules (energy.) This he pretty much just says is "the amount of
available energy" but without making it any clearer.
It would appear that fundamentally everything boils down to 1.) the
quantity of electrons (Q), 2.) time (t), and 3.) energy (W.)
Q = Total quantity of electrons
t = time spent doing something with the electrons
W = "the amount of available energy"
So current is easy:
I = (number of electrons) / (time)
Rate at which electrons were moved (through a wire)
But voltage is problematic:
V = (W?) / (number of electrons)
Rate of "the amount of available energy" to the number of electrons
....which isn't terribly clear
Reading over the text a couple of times, and I am thinking that
voltage is the electrical version of "pressure"...?
So in water/piping terms, pressure would be a function of a) the
amount of water and b) the amount of "push" it had to make it want to
go into a pipe. Push would then be a product of gravity, mechanical
pumping, etc. So assuming that this is true then W == "Push."
Pressure = "Push"(kg) / Water(cm^2) for instance
So this allows me to understand a Volt
Voltage = "Push"(joules) / Electrons(coulomb)
But what is the electric version of "push"?
My current guess is that this is the total "negativity" or
"positivity" of a terminal on a power source. Which--in the case of a
battery say--would be the ratio of positively charged atoms to neutral
atoms in a positive electrode, or the number of free electrons to the
total number of neutral atoms in the negative electrode...?
Is this reading correct?
Thank you,
Chris Williams