Costas Vlachos
A friend of mine is looking to get into MCU projects as a hobby. I'd say
he's at an intermediate level in electronics (and has a Ph.D. in control
systems!). He has used MCUs in the past, I think it was the Motorola
68HCsomething. That was about 10 years ago, he hasn't touched electronics
since then. What he's after is something with a *clean* architecture and
affordable development tools (something under 100 Euros for a starter kit).
I have very good knowledge of the PIC16 series, and although I think they're
good MCUs, I'm worried that their messy architecture (memory paging, messy
look-up tables, etc., etc.) may scare him off. Any recommendations? An 8051?
An AVR? He told me of a cheap development kit he found, for something called
DSP56F800. Is this a DSP/MCU hybrid?
Any suggestions are appreciated (and apologies for starting yet another
"what MCU" thread!).
he's at an intermediate level in electronics (and has a Ph.D. in control
systems!). He has used MCUs in the past, I think it was the Motorola
68HCsomething. That was about 10 years ago, he hasn't touched electronics
since then. What he's after is something with a *clean* architecture and
affordable development tools (something under 100 Euros for a starter kit).
I have very good knowledge of the PIC16 series, and although I think they're
good MCUs, I'm worried that their messy architecture (memory paging, messy
look-up tables, etc., etc.) may scare him off. Any recommendations? An 8051?
An AVR? He told me of a cheap development kit he found, for something called
DSP56F800. Is this a DSP/MCU hybrid?
Any suggestions are appreciated (and apologies for starting yet another
"what MCU" thread!).