What you suggest?



Hello group,

I'm going to buy a board so I found few boards on the following
website. I don't know where I'm going but what I can tell you is where
I am. I'm new to VHDL and Embedded Systems field. Currently learning
VHDL and Verilog then I must get familiar with FPGA. I thought
somebody from this group could help me to figure out which board is
good for me. At least it must come handy for 2 - 3 years.




thank you.
Amit wrote:

I'm going to buy a board so I found few boards on the following
website. I don't know where I'm going but what I can tell you is where
I am. I'm new to VHDL and Embedded Systems field. Currently learning
VHDL and Verilog then I must get familiar with FPGA. I thought
somebody from this group could help me to figure out which board is
good for me. At least it must come handy for 2 - 3 years.

Learning vhdl has more to do with your simulator
and RTL viewer than the board.

Pick the board with the interfaces you need, but
learn your tools and the description language first.

-- Mike Treseler
On May 22, 11:36 am, Mike Treseler <mike_trese...@comcast.net> wrote:
Amit wrote:
I'm going to buy a board so I found few boards on the following
website. I don't know where I'm going but what I can tell you is where
I am. I'm new to VHDL and Embedded Systems field. Currently learning
VHDL and Verilog then I must get familiar with FPGA. I thought
somebody from this group could help me to figure out which board is
good for me. At least it must come handy for 2 - 3 years.

Learning vhdl has more to do with your simulator
and RTL viewer than the board.

Pick the board with the interfaces you need, but
learn your tools and the description language first.

-- Mike Treseler

Thanks for your advice. So in what point can I make sure I'm ready to
work on boards?

Amit wrote:

Thanks for your advice. So in what point can I make sure I'm ready to
work on boards?
1. Write a synchronous design entity
that compiles (vcom my_entity.vhd)
and elaborates (vsim -c my_entity)
on your simulator without error.

2. Write a testbench entity to instance
and stimulate the design.

3. Compile, elaborate and run your testbench
in the simulator gui and verify the waveforms.

4. Synthesize your design using ise or quartus and check the RTL viewer.

5. Place and route your design and check static timing.

-- Mike Treseler
You can also try virtual lab @ techonline.com to access these boards

- mahenreddy

On May 23, 5:38 am, Mike Treseler <mike_trese...@comcast.net> wrote:
Amit wrote:
Thanks for your advice. So in what point can I make sure I'm ready to
work on boards?

1. Write a synchronous design entity
that compiles (vcom my_entity.vhd)
and elaborates (vsim -c my_entity)
on your simulator without error.

2. Write a testbench entity to instance
and stimulate the design.

3. Compile, elaborate and run your testbench
in the simulator gui and verify the waveforms.

4. Synthesize your design using ise or quartus and check the RTL viewer.

5. Place and route your design and check static timing.

-- Mike Treseler

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