What type of screw ?



What is the diffrence between a Thread forming screw use on plastic
and metal ?
I can't tell them apart . Can anyone , please enlighten me ?

Thanks in advance
On Fri, 3 Jun 2011 01:21:28 -0700 (PDT), mowhoong <mowhoong@hotmail.com>

What is the diffrence between a Thread forming screw use on plastic
and metal ?
I can't tell them apart . Can anyone , please enlighten me ?
Some thread-forming screws are appropriate for use on either plastic or
metal, depending on the specifics of the application.

*Generally* sheet metal screws are "pointy" and fasteners intended for
plastic are blunt-nosed with a cutting notch on the end but there are
many variations.


Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
"Rich Webb"
*Generally* sheet metal screws are "pointy" and fasteners intended for
plastic are blunt-nosed with a cutting notch on the end but there are
many variations.

** Often thread forming screws for plastic are " twin tread " too.

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..... Phil
On 2011-06-03, mowhoong <mowhoong@hotmail.com> wrote:
What is the diffrence between a Thread forming screw use on plastic
and metal ?
I can't tell them apart . Can anyone , please enlighten me ?
screws for plastic have a notch at the tip and a blunt tip.
screws for sheetmetal have a point or a triangular cross-section
screws for thicker steel (over 1mm) have the notch too but are made
of hard steel.

there's a bunch of other thread-forming screws too (like for brick,
and self-drilling for steel sheet )

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