What official function should I call to genertate a sum of p


Weng Tianxiang

What official functions should I call to genertate a sum of products
in VHDL?

S(...) <= A0*B0(...) + A1*B1(...) + A2*B2(...) + ... + An*Bn(...);

Ax is a type of std_logic or bool; Bx() is a type of std_logic_vector
or unsigned.

I use the following two libraries:
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

Thank you.

Weng Tianxiang schrieb:

What official functions should I call to genertate a sum of products
in VHDL?

S(...) <= A0*B0(...) + A1*B1(...) + A2*B2(...) + ... + An*Bn(...);

Ax is a type of std_logic or bool; Bx() is a type of std_logic_vector
or unsigned.
Looks similar to standard multiplication. What about:

variable result : unsigned(result_bits-1 downto 0);
for N in A'range loop
if (A(N)='1') then
end if;
end loop;
end process;

(code not checked for any errors - just typed)

This may result in synthesis in a slow carry-ribble array. As an
alternative you could use this for-loop to first generate a 2D-vector
table containing eigther zero vectors or B-vectors (depending on A).
This 2D-Array could be added as multipliers do: Carry-Save-Array,

Another option would be to make each A-Bits a vector:
A_vec(N)<=('0' & A(N));
Such a vector can be easily converted to unsigned and you can just type
you sum of products, as you have done it in your question.


If Ax is of type std_logic, you only has 2 very trivial cases to
cover. Using multipliers would be a gigantic waste of FPGA
resources... since you have no "non-trivial" cases to concern
yourself with, you have a much simpler option than multipliers.
Personally, I don't think students should be given answers from a
message board, so that's as much of a hint as I am personally willing
to give you (sorry, the problem is trivial enough to be a quite
obvious homework assignment) But, think about what I said and why
your 2 cases are very trivial....


P.S. - It's actually trivial enough that a decent synthesizer would
not synthesize multipliers if you did it that way anyway.... at least
it shouldn't.

On Mar 16, 10:02 pm, "Weng Tianxiang" <wtx...@gmail.com> wrote:
What official functions should I call to genertate a sum of products
in VHDL?

S(...) <= A0*B0(...) + A1*B1(...) + A2*B2(...) + ... + An*Bn(...);

Ax is a type of std_logic or bool; Bx() is a type of std_logic_vector
or unsigned.

I use the following two libraries:
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

Thank you.


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