What kind of symobols ?



A circular symobols with two part in yellow colour & two part in black colour
often seen on car testing, like impact & destructive test. Can I know what is
that symobols mean ? Thanks.
In article <3d7f87e3.0407170346.43a48705@posting.google.com>,
mowhoong@hotmail.com (mowhoong) wrote:

A circular symobols with two part in yellow colour & two part in black colour
often seen on car testing, like impact & destructive test. Can I know what is
that symobols mean ? Thanks.
It's basically an alignment mark, or maybe calling it a reference point
would be better, placed to show (or highlight) the motion of the part
it's attached to during and after the test. "This one was originally
mounted 18 centimeters from point X on thte car, and this one right ovr
here, 2 centimeteres away, and all twisted out of alignment, started out
on the rear bumper. Wow! Look how much it got shifted! And if that would
have been a person in there instead of a crash dummy, it would have had
to go right through his chest to get here from where it started. Hey
Paul! Better stiffen up that crumple zone!"

Many rockets have similar markings, from spirals, to alternating
black/white stripes, to make it possible to tell which way the rocket is
oriented. In both car crash tests and rockets, it's all about making the
motion of the body being worked with more visible/obvious for observers
so that the way the item moves (or in the case of a car crash test, the
way it folds up) can be analyzed accurately.

Don Bruder - dakidd@sonic.net - New Email policy in effect as of Feb. 21, 2004.
Short form: I'm trashing EVERY E-mail that doesn't contain a password in the
subject unless it comes from a "whitelisted" (pre-approved by me) address.
See <http://www.sonic.net/~dakidd/main/contact.html> for full details.
Thank's Bruder for your explaination.
Best Regards

Don Bruder <dakidd@sonic.net> wrote in message news:<BtcKc.2798$54.34527@typhoon.sonic.net>...
In article <3d7f87e3.0407170346.43a48705@posting.google.com>,
mowhoong@hotmail.com (mowhoong) wrote:

A circular symobols with two part in yellow colour & two part in black colour
often seen on car testing, like impact & destructive test. Can I know what is
that symobols mean ? Thanks.

It's basically an alignment mark, or maybe calling it a reference point
would be better, placed to show (or highlight) the motion of the part
it's attached to during and after the test. "This one was originally
mounted 18 centimeters from point X on thte car, and this one right ovr
here, 2 centimeteres away, and all twisted out of alignment, started out
on the rear bumper. Wow! Look how much it got shifted! And if that would
have been a person in there instead of a crash dummy, it would have had
to go right through his chest to get here from where it started. Hey
Paul! Better stiffen up that crumple zone!"

Many rockets have similar markings, from spirals, to alternating
black/white stripes, to make it possible to tell which way the rocket is
oriented. In both car crash tests and rockets, it's all about making the
motion of the body being worked with more visible/obvious for observers
so that the way the item moves (or in the case of a car crash test, the
way it folds up) can be analyzed accurately.

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