What is typical deflection yoke current for full displacemen


Monty Hall

Just curious how much current is required in the deflection yoke coil for a
full scale displacement of the dot? Are we talking in the mA or A range
for a typical - let say ~20" - tube? I've seen vertical deflection
circuitry specs around 3A p-p. Does the yolk really require this much
current to reach full scale dot displacement for a sweep?

Trying to get a rough guestimate of measurement bandwidth should I use the
TV as an oscilloscope given the limitations of the voltage to current
circuitry. Was going to implement V to I circuitry using high voltage and
slew op-amps. It's not looking too hot - those coils really screw you. A
TV oscope - that makes no linearity adjustments and has no bells and
whistles - with a bandwidth in the 10's to 100's kHz is pretty crappy. If
the yoke current range is in the amp range, I'm really hosed - not that I
expected a high performance scope...


"Monty Hall" <chickenkungpao@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:lYVyd.5446$by5.1891@newssvr19.news.prodigy.com...
Just curious how much current is required in the deflection yoke coil for a full scale displacement of the dot? Are we talking
in the mA or A range for a typical - let say ~20" - tube? I've seen vertical deflection circuitry specs around 3A p-p. Does the
yolk really require this much current to reach full scale dot displacement for a sweep?
Peaks of 1.5A for the vertical coil are about right. For the
horizontal coil, multiply by 10 to 30. Yes, it takes a lot of

Trying to get a rough guestimate of measurement bandwidth should I use the TV as an oscilloscope given the limitations of the
voltage to current circuitry. Was going to implement V to I circuitry using high voltage and slew op-amps. It's not looking too
hot - those coils really screw you. A TV oscope - that makes no linearity adjustments and has no bells and whistles - with a
bandwidth in the 10's to 100's kHz is pretty crappy.
You would be lucky to get that kind of bandwidth. Have you measured
the inductance yet?

If the yoke current range is in the amp range, I'm really hosed - not that I expected a high performance scope...
For the same bandwidth, it would probably cost less to capture
digitally, then display the result as a raster scanned image.

--Larry Brasfield
email: donotspam_larry_brasfield@hotmail.com
Above views may belong only to me.

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