what is the meaning of "aspects of using digital representat

"nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote in message
can anyone give me some examples?
How about a computer display which simulates a speedometer...or an RPM gauge
or a glass cockpit on a modern jet aircraft or an electronic VU meter or
can you list three important aspects of using digital representation of
analogue signals?
"Lord Garth" <LGarth@Tantalus.net> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsťD:h8q2e.5811$yq2.660@newssvr12.news.prodigy.com...
"nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote in message
can anyone give me some examples?

How about a computer display which simulates a speedometer...or an RPM
or a glass cockpit on a modern jet aircraft or an electronic VU meter or
Yes, I can. Can you do your homework on your own?


"nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote in message
can you list three important aspects of using digital representation of
analogue signals?
"Lord Garth" <LGarth@Tantalus.net

"nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote in message
can anyone give me some examples?

How about a computer display which simulates a speedometer...or an RPM
or a glass cockpit on a modern jet aircraft or an electronic VU meter or
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:40:03 +0800, "nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk>

can anyone give me some examples?

Since this is obviously homework, I'm only going to
point you in the right direction: Look up
"quantization". An analog signal is continuous
in time and value, but a digital representation
has to fit into a specified number system. What
happens when an input happens to fall "between
the cracks" in time or level?

You might also want to look up "aliasing" and
"sampling theory" while you are at it.

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:37:39 +0800 in sci.electronics.basics, "nick"
<ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote msg

can you list three important aspects of using digital representation of
analogue signals?
Red, green and blue.

Al Brennan
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:37:39 +0800, nick top-posted:

can you list three important aspects of using digital representation of
analogue signals?
Possibly. Can you be more specific? For example, what does "aspects" mean?


"Lord Garth" <LGarth@Tantalus.net> źśźgŠóślĽóˇsťD:h8q2e.5811$yq2.660@newssvr12.news.prodigy.com...

"nick" <ucheng4@csc.cuhk.edu.hk> wrote in message
can anyone give me some examples?

How about a computer display which simulates a speedometer...or an RPM
or a glass cockpit on a modern jet aircraft or an electronic VU meter or
sorry , can you explain what is the meaning of aspect to me?
because i think there are many aspects of using digital representation of
analogue signals

nick wrote:

sorry , can you explain what is the meaning of aspect to me?
because i think there are many aspects of using digital
representation of analogue signals
An aspect is a view of something, or a way to see it,
a way it can be used.

I can see a cow as a milk-producing animal, or as a
valuable property, or as a symbol for something holy
(in India), or as an example of a four-legged animal.

One aspect of computers is that they allow us to
communicate globally via internet.
Another aspect is that computers are cute to look at
and make nice sounds.

digital representation of analogue signals

is a way to convert analogue signal so we can process
and store the signals in modern digital devices

allows us to store analogue signal in computers, like
we do with music, mp3-players.

allows us to use digital signal processing on the signal, like the DSP
processor on your sound card, which allow you to change the echo
effects (big hall, concert hall, church) on everything you play

it sacrifices some of the precision in the analogue signal through
digitalization, but we gain other advantages from the transformation.

Roger J.
the question is "list three important aspects of using digital
representation of analogue signals"?

many aspects of using digital representation of analogue signals,but which
three are important?
becasue many aspects are also important.

so i fell very confuse of that question.


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