I don't really know a lot about electroncis, and therefore since I
need an answer to something I figured I would start here...I hope
there's some experts here!
Basically I have taken apart something called an AutoXray(no need to
know what it is). The AutoXray has an LCD screen/display. The display
is connected to the main part of the electronics which houses all of
the IC's and chips etc. It is connected using some type of light-green
plastic that looks like it has 8 or 9 thin, flat metal lines running
through it. I'm guessing that these metal lines are basically acting
the exact same as wires would, except they use these instead because
it saves a ton of room.
So basically I have two questions. One, do these green, plastic things
with metal lines running through them actually have a name. And two,
since I want to extend the length of the LCD screen from the "brain",
can I just use regular wires to do so?
I wish I had a picture but I don't...I tried searching online but
couldn't find any...so I hope what I said makes sense!
need an answer to something I figured I would start here...I hope
there's some experts here!
Basically I have taken apart something called an AutoXray(no need to
know what it is). The AutoXray has an LCD screen/display. The display
is connected to the main part of the electronics which houses all of
the IC's and chips etc. It is connected using some type of light-green
plastic that looks like it has 8 or 9 thin, flat metal lines running
through it. I'm guessing that these metal lines are basically acting
the exact same as wires would, except they use these instead because
it saves a ton of room.
So basically I have two questions. One, do these green, plastic things
with metal lines running through them actually have a name. And two,
since I want to extend the length of the LCD screen from the "brain",
can I just use regular wires to do so?
I wish I had a picture but I don't...I tried searching online but
couldn't find any...so I hope what I said makes sense!