On 08/20/2017 09:09 PM, pfjw@aol.com wrote:
There's also the Copernican principle which would say that humanity is
more-or-less an "average" technological civilization, in orbit around an
average star, at an average point in the Universe's history.
If there are many other technological civilizations in the Universe,
i.e. intelligent life is common, it doesn't seem unreasonable at to
assume that these civilizations would be the product of convergent
evolution and would have similar characteristics, at least similar
enough to the point that a common understanding could be reached through
With a data set of one, there's certainly no scientific justification
for assuming we are either exceptional, or that everyone else are Gods
and we are garden spiders. Assume "average" until proven otherwise.
Guys and gals:
PLEASE!! Look up "Pathetic Fallacy".
Now. Apply it to any sort of ET from any sort of source, near or far.
With "Humans" as the objects to which 'feelings' are attributed.
This discussion needs to take place on the level of what actually is, not some sort of pseudo-science based on the incredibly arrogant position that any sort of ET (again) from any source, near or far, has the slightest thing in common with humans. Repeat, we have more in common with a garden spider than any conceivable ET, from any source, near or far.
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
There's also the Copernican principle which would say that humanity is
more-or-less an "average" technological civilization, in orbit around an
average star, at an average point in the Universe's history.
If there are many other technological civilizations in the Universe,
i.e. intelligent life is common, it doesn't seem unreasonable at to
assume that these civilizations would be the product of convergent
evolution and would have similar characteristics, at least similar
enough to the point that a common understanding could be reached through
With a data set of one, there's certainly no scientific justification
for assuming we are either exceptional, or that everyone else are Gods
and we are garden spiders. Assume "average" until proven otherwise.