Wet laptop LCD


Soren Kuula


ABout a week ago, I got pretty soaked in a big rain shower here. So did
the laptop in my bag: I could see water had made its way into the LCD
from the sides, about 1 or 2 cm in.

Now the LCD is dry (no traces of water visible on the picture surface).
I had it out of its casing, no signs og damage of water.

BUT there's no picture on. VGA works fine, so does the rest of the
computer. If I set (via VNC) the desktop background to red, it takes
about a minute for the whole display to change to red - so with green,
and blue. There are some vertucal stripes in the picture, but no
horizontal detail at all.

Not what is the prognosis ? Still water trapped somewhere ? How to get
that out ?
Or LCD gone, no fix for it ?

I have seen a LCD (or TFT maybe) recover perfectly from getting wet
before, and I have heard stories about units getting completely soaked
(as by dropping the computer in water) and still be made to work again.

Some models of computers are very water resistant. When I have seen this,
and the display does not recover, the dispay had to be changed.


Jerry G.

"Soren Kuula" <dongfang-remove_this@remove_this-bitplanet.net> wrote in
message news:HCFpc.164205$jf4.8446124@news000.worldonline.dk...

ABout a week ago, I got pretty soaked in a big rain shower here. So did
the laptop in my bag: I could see water had made its way into the LCD
from the sides, about 1 or 2 cm in.

Now the LCD is dry (no traces of water visible on the picture surface).
I had it out of its casing, no signs og damage of water.

BUT there's no picture on. VGA works fine, so does the rest of the
computer. If I set (via VNC) the desktop background to red, it takes
about a minute for the whole display to change to red - so with green,
and blue. There are some vertucal stripes in the picture, but no
horizontal detail at all.

Not what is the prognosis ? Still water trapped somewhere ? How to get
that out ?
Or LCD gone, no fix for it ?

I have seen a LCD (or TFT maybe) recover perfectly from getting wet
before, and I have heard stories about units getting completely soaked
(as by dropping the computer in water) and still be made to work again.

If you can disassemble the display housing and see if maybe the lamp driver
assembly or lamps have sustained water damage. Or if the interconnect
between the lcd panel and motherboard has been damaged. May want to check at
the computer swap shops in your area and see if you can aquire a similar
device and just swap the whole display assembly. Even E-Bay may be a source
if you are willing to gamble.
"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Some models of computers are very water resistant. When I have seen this,
and the display does not recover, the dispay had to be changed.


Jerry G.

"Soren Kuula" <dongfang-remove_this@remove_this-bitplanet.net> wrote in
message news:HCFpc.164205$jf4.8446124@news000.worldonline.dk...

ABout a week ago, I got pretty soaked in a big rain shower here. So did
the laptop in my bag: I could see water had made its way into the LCD
from the sides, about 1 or 2 cm in.

Now the LCD is dry (no traces of water visible on the picture surface).
I had it out of its casing, no signs og damage of water.

BUT there's no picture on. VGA works fine, so does the rest of the
computer. If I set (via VNC) the desktop background to red, it takes
about a minute for the whole display to change to red - so with green,
and blue. There are some vertucal stripes in the picture, but no
horizontal detail at all.

Not what is the prognosis ? Still water trapped somewhere ? How to get
that out ?
Or LCD gone, no fix for it ?

I have seen a LCD (or TFT maybe) recover perfectly from getting wet
before, and I have heard stories about units getting completely soaked
(as by dropping the computer in water) and still be made to work again.

Art wrote:

If you can disassemble the display housing and see if maybe the lamp driver
assembly or lamps have sustained water damage.
Lamp is OK.

Or if the interconnect
between the lcd panel and motherboard has been damaged.
Looks OK, as far as I can see. I cannot get access to the computer end
of the cable. When I unplug it, the screen turns a very uniform grey,
which for some reason makes me optimistic.

I wonder it there is a way I can check if the signal from the cable is OK ?

May want to check at
the computer swap shops in your area and see if you can aquire a similar
device and just swap the whole display assembly.
Yes, but I don't think there are such places here ... ... not for parts
anyway. I'll look around a little more.

It's a Samsung LT150X3-124, I see now.

Thanks for the help.

Soren Kuula <dongfang-remove_this@remove_this-bitplanet.net> wrote in

Not what is the prognosis ? Still water trapped somewhere ? How to get
that out ?
Or LCD gone, no fix for it ?
Call the insurance company and get a claim form.
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