Wellon universal device programmers & Macs?


Paul Conners

The Chinese universal device programmers by Wellon available on e-Pain are
designed for Windows OS only.

I have installed the software on a Mac under OS X 10.5 using the CrossOver
implementation of Wine, and it seems to run. That's the easy part. Of course,
it's not communicating with programmer, and that's the source of my question.
I don't want to spend the $$ until I can be assured it will work.

Has anyone installed one of the Wellon USB programers on a Mac? Does it work?
What virtualization implementation did you use: Parallels Desktop? VMWare
Fusion? Wine (i.e., Crossover)? Was any modification or additional install

The only way to know for sure is to buy one, say a prayer, and plug it in.
I'm hoping someone has done this already.

In article
Paul Conners <pconners98@gUSmail.com> wrote:

The Chinese universal device programmers by Wellon available on e-Pain are
designed for Windows OS only.
It might be helpful to know what a "Chinese universal device programmers
by Wellon available on e-Pain" is to begin with...

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It might be helpful to know what a "Chinese universal device programmers
by Wellon available on e-Pain" is to begin with...
Fair enough...




I presume if someone had bought & installed one they would know what it is.
In article
Paul Conners <pconners98@gUSmail.com> wrote:

It might be helpful to know what a "Chinese universal device programmers
by Wellon available on e-Pain" is to begin with...

Fair enough...




I presume if someone had bought & installed one they would know what it is.
Oddly enough I've just become interested in how to program EPROMs under
OS X. Sadly, so far I don't know the answer either in this or the
general case.


"That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" -- Bill of Rights 1689
Paul Conners <pconners98@gUSmail.com> wrote:

The Chinese universal device programmers by Wellon available on e-Pain are
designed for Windows OS only.

I have installed the software on a Mac under OS X 10.5 using the CrossOver
implementation of Wine, and it seems to run. That's the easy part. Of course,
it's not communicating with programmer, and that's the source of my question.
I don't want to spend the $$ until I can be assured it will work.

Has anyone installed one of the Wellon USB programers on a Mac? Does it work?
What virtualization implementation did you use: Parallels Desktop? VMWare
Fusion? Wine (i.e., Crossover)? Was any modification or additional install
I'd go for a virtual machine (VMWare). I tried Wine for Linux but it
only works for populair applications. I doubt Wine will ever be able
to get it right.

Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
In article <timstreater-A1F8F8.17084219112010@news.individual.net>,
Tim Streater <timstreater@waitrose.com> wrote:

In article
Paul Conners <pconners98@gUSmail.com> wrote:

It might be helpful to know what a "Chinese universal device programmers
by Wellon available on e-Pain" is to begin with...

Fair enough...




I presume if someone had bought & installed one they would know what it is.

Oddly enough I've just become interested in how to program EPROMs under
OS X. Sadly, so far I don't know the answer either in this or the
general case.
A friend has programmed eeproms for his Porche's fuel injection system
(there is a 'turbo' version that performs better than the factory
fuel-stingy version). There wasn't a way he could get the eeprom burner
he has to run on MacOS, so he used Fusion. Seemed to work OK. No, I
don't know what the burner or software was.

I think you'll probably have to use BootCamp to get this to work and
that won't cost you anything but the $140 or so for Windows 7 Pro. Not
worth it? Then borrow a PC.

DeeDee, don't press that button! DeeDee! NO! Dee...
[I filter all Goggle Groups posts, so any reply may be automatically ignored]
In article <vilain-3C67D3.09334219112010@news.individual.net>,
Michael Vilain <vilain@NOspamcop.net> wrote:

In article <timstreater-A1F8F8.17084219112010@news.individual.net>,
Tim Streater <timstreater@waitrose.com> wrote:

Oddly enough I've just become interested in how to program EPROMs under
OS X. Sadly, so far I don't know the answer either in this or the
general case.

A friend has programmed eeproms for his Porche's fuel injection system
(there is a 'turbo' version that performs better than the factory
fuel-stingy version). There wasn't a way he could get the eeprom burner
he has to run on MacOS, so he used Fusion. Seemed to work OK. No, I
don't know what the burner or software was.

I think you'll probably have to use BootCamp to get this to work and
that won't cost you anything but the $140 or so for Windows 7 Pro. Not
worth it?

Then borrow a PC.
That'll prolly be what I'll do.


"That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted" -- Bill of Rights 1689

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