Weather station




I hope I have the right group as I have no idea where I could post this

I was interested in building a weather station with a thermometer,
barometer, rain gauge etc.

I was interested in building some sort of a connection from this station
which would be outdoors to my computer where the results could be tabulated
into graphs for each day of the year.

I would eventually hope that this info could be displayed on a website and
automatically updated every 10 minutes.

I know nothing about electronics, if that helps.

Thanks for your suggestions


I hope I have the right group as I have no idea where I could post this

I was interested in building a weather station with a thermometer,
barometer, rain gauge etc.

I was interested in building some sort of a connection from this station
which would be outdoors to my computer where the results could be
tabulated into graphs for each day of the year.

I would eventually hope that this info could be displayed on a website and
automatically updated every 10 minutes.

I know nothing about electronics, if that helps.
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.
"two bob"
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.

** Huh ?

What government invented the wheel ?

.......... Phil
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.

** Huh ?

What government invented the wheel ?
Why does every ng have more than it's fair share of clowns. After all this
is a ng not a bloody circus
Tom wrote:

I hope I have the right group as I have no idea where I could post this

I was interested in building a weather station with a thermometer,
barometer, rain gauge etc.

I was interested in building some sort of a connection from this station
which would be outdoors to my computer where the results could be tabulated
into graphs for each day of the year.

I would eventually hope that this info could be displayed on a website and
automatically updated every 10 minutes.

I know nothing about electronics, if that helps.

Thanks for your suggestions

I just purchased one from Dick Smith. A friend by the name of Andy Keir
writes software for a few models, including the one I use so do a google
search on his name for his website or Davis is a well known company that
makes them as well.
"Tsunami Australia"

I just purchased one from Dick Smith.

** Cool:

Only a mere $ 725 inc.

......... Phil
"two bob" <4> wrote in message
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.

** Huh ?

What government invented the wheel ?
Why does every ng have more than it's fair share of clowns. After all this
is a ng not a bloody circus

****Well you could have fooled me!!! I thought you must have been the chief
clown given that your statement above is utterly unambiguous (and has
atrocious spelling) and yet here you are lampooning a perfectly valid
Ironic,is it not?

Brian Goldsmith.
"two bob"
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.

** Huh ?

What government invented the wheel ?

Why does every ng have more than it's fair share of clowns.

** Every NG has more than it fair share of many things.

After all this is a ng not a bloody circus

** OK - but it does come quite close to meeting the famous " PT Barnum
Criterion " re the time interval that elapses between one wanker posting a
pile of completely inane drivel and the next.

I can see you are doing your little bit to make old PT happy.

......... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Tsunami Australia"

I just purchased one from Dick Smith.

** Cool:

Only a mere $ 725 inc.

........ Phil
I got an old Oregon Scientific WM918 when they were available for just
over $400 which has the computer connection and all the info needed for
the tables and graphing. I'm not sure if the new u-beaut wireless one
has a computer uplink ability though.
On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:42:13 GMT, "Brian Goldsmith"
<> wrote:

"two bob" <4> wrote in message
Why re-invent the wheel? It's already being done by the govmnt.

** Huh ?

What government invented the wheel ?

Why does every ng have more than it's fair share of clowns. After all this
is a ng not a bloody circus

****Well you could have fooled me!!! I thought you must have been the chief
clown given that your statement above is utterly unambiguous (and has
atrocious spelling) and yet here you are lampooning a perfectly valid
Ironic,is it not?

Brian Goldsmith.
Hmmmm, Ironic,is it not?

Welcome to

