WDECT 2355+2 interferance


Matt H

hi we recently bought the uniden WDECT 2355+2 cordless telephone which
operates on the 2.4ghz however the problem we have is it is interfering with
out wirless video reciever which also operates on the 2.4ghz i was wondering
can i somehow change the phone channel to elimate the interferace as it is
causeing pulsating interfance from the phone base, and yes i have tried to
change hte channels on the video sender and that hasnt help regards

In article <443106fb$1@news.comindico.com.au>, harey@ncable.com.au says...
hi we recently bought the uniden WDECT 2355+2 cordless telephone which
operates on the 2.4ghz however the problem we have is it is interfering with
out wirless video reciever which also operates on the 2.4ghz i was wondering
can i somehow change the phone channel to elimate the interferace as it is
causeing pulsating interfance from the phone base, and yes i have tried to
change hte channels on the video sender and that hasnt help regards
Unlikely you can correct it Matt,

Spread spectrum or frequency hopping may be used on either or both so
little chance they can be fully separated, suggest send polite but
firmly worded letter to both manufacturers and see what happens,
oh and CC the distributors and Choice magazine, cheers

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"Mike" <erazmus@iinet.net.au> wrote in message
In article <443106fb$1@news.comindico.com.au>, harey@ncable.com.au says...

hi we recently bought the uniden WDECT 2355+2 cordless telephone which
operates on the 2.4ghz however the problem we have is it is interfering
out wirless video reciever which also operates on the 2.4ghz i was
can i somehow change the phone channel to elimate the interferace as it
causeing pulsating interfance from the phone base, and yes i have tried
change hte channels on the video sender and that hasnt help regards

Unlikely you can correct it Matt,

Spread spectrum or frequency hopping may be used on either or both so
little chance they can be fully separated, suggest send polite but
firmly worded letter to both manufacturers and see what happens,
oh and CC the distributors and Choice magazine, cheers

No point sending any letters as it is not a protected band.

Matt H wrote:
hi we recently bought the uniden WDECT 2355+2 cordless telephone which
operates on the 2.4ghz
2.4GHz also interferes with wireless PC networks.
Take it back and buy a 1.8GHz one. If you can't find a
Uniden one, try a Panasonic, I'm very happy with ours.
There's also 5.6, but they're more line-of-sight and $more.
Handsets that do speaker-phone adds a lot to the price, but
IMO is worth it, especially if you phone-bank etc, 'cos you
can see the keys you're pressing while you listen.

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