Wavey, meltish picture on monitor


Dexter Haslem

Hi, I got a old NEC (1992ish). Its picture tends to wiggle a bit, like its
melting at times, and a bit faster at other times to look 'wavely'. Any
suggestions on what would cause this? Thanks.


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Usually this is caused by some of the capacitors in the power supply, HV
drive, and scan circuits. As they age they can go high in their ESR. They
will require to be replaced to fix the monitor. Considering the age of the
monitor, it will not be worth the investment, unless you really want to keep
the monitor.



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"Dexter Haslem" <dexter@vcn.com> wrote in message
Hi, I got a old NEC (1992ish). Its picture tends to wiggle a bit, like its
melting at times, and a bit faster at other times to look 'wavely'. Any
suggestions on what would cause this? Thanks.


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Considering the age of the
monitor, it will not be worth the investment, unless you really want to keep
the monitor.
Actually, that would only be part of the problem.

NEC makes good monitors, but God help you if you actually have to take one
apart to do a repair. Those things have shielding out the ying-yang, all
assembled to the point where getting it all apart becomes a cruel puzzle. -
Wow, so it seems. Its like a maze of heatsinks!


"LASERandDVDfan" <laseranddvdfan@aol.com> wrote in message
Considering the age of the
monitor, it will not be worth the investment, unless you really want to
the monitor.

Actually, that would only be part of the problem.

NEC makes good monitors, but God help you if you actually have to take one
apart to do a repair. Those things have shielding out the ying-yang, all
assembled to the point where getting it all apart becomes a cruel
uzzle. -

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"Dexter Haslem" <dexter@vcn.com> wrote in message
Wow, so it seems. Its like a maze of heatsinks!


"LASERandDVDfan" <laseranddvdfan@aol.com> wrote in message
Considering the age of the
monitor, it will not be worth the investment, unless you really want to
the monitor.

Actually, that would only be part of the problem.

NEC makes good monitors, but God help you if you actually have to take
apart to do a repair. Those things have shielding out the ying-yang,
assembled to the point where getting it all apart becomes a cruel
uzzle. -
They're not really that bad, they just look super complex. I usually take
some digital pics when I tear a monitor apart, the old NEC's were a ton more
complex than other monitors of the day but modern monitors for the most part
have caught up. There's a reason NEC monitors had such stunning pictures at
the time.

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