wavescan significant digits (IC5141)



How can i turn off the "default" checkbox for the number of
significatn digits in wavescan? The only variable I found in wavescan
user guide is "wavescan.axis significantDigits string" which changes
the value in the textbox. I'm getting the wrong major axis increments
when "default" is on

<a href="http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/55/outd.jpg">&lt;img
src="http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/55/outd.th.jpg" border="0"&gt;</a>
Tarek wrote, on 06/17/09 17:29:
How can i turn off the "default" checkbox for the number of
significatn digits in wavescan? The only variable I found in wavescan
user guide is "wavescan.axis significantDigits string" which changes
the value in the textbox. I'm getting the wrong major axis increments
when "default" is on

a href="http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/55/outd.jpg"&gt;&lt;img
src="http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/55/outd.th.jpg" border="0"&gt;&lt;/a
This has been fixed (a while ago) - you should install the latest Hotfix version.


We are using IC.5141.ISR200811081405 (INTEGRATION DATE : 05/11/08,
HOTFIX SUBVERSION: , and it says this has been
fixed however we still have the problem. I noticed there are some
other "fixes" which we still have problems with, particularly

CCR: 00547142
Title: Wavescan's Results Browser not showing the outputs only
'Variables' folder

CCR: 00585409
Title: Colors don't match between schematic nodes and traces in
Tarkits: ALL

We're reluctant to do updates other than what our technology provider
gives us, namely because if we report issues to them their answer will
likely be "use the versions we provide".

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