Don Y
Any preferences/suggestions for displaying \"expected waveforms\" in support
I see white traces on black backgrounds, black traces on white backgrounds,
graticule present, graticule absent, etc. Some of this is likely related to
the nature of *paper* documents and the fact that color doesn\'t *tend* to
be reproduced in copies.
These are interactive \"documents\" so the user has some control over what
is displayed; I\'m debating how much control he should have over HOW it
is displayed! (at an extreme, I can emulate a \'scope and let him dick
with gain, timebase, position, etc. as it\'s a \"solve once reuse often\"
sort of problem)
Goal, however, is to make it easy for him to see what he *needs* to see
and not distract him with the UI...
I see white traces on black backgrounds, black traces on white backgrounds,
graticule present, graticule absent, etc. Some of this is likely related to
the nature of *paper* documents and the fact that color doesn\'t *tend* to
be reproduced in copies.
These are interactive \"documents\" so the user has some control over what
is displayed; I\'m debating how much control he should have over HOW it
is displayed! (at an extreme, I can emulate a \'scope and let him dick
with gain, timebase, position, etc. as it\'s a \"solve once reuse often\"
sort of problem)
Goal, however, is to make it easy for him to see what he *needs* to see
and not distract him with the UI...