Hi all,
I have my Mom's not too old 20" TV which is a Wards Signature 2000 model
JSJ12022 Suffix A. It is probably a victim of a lightning hit. I can see a
burned diode on the board - so burned, in fact, that the solder has melted
on the other side of the board on the diode leads and leads to a couple caps
and resistors near it. I have the owner's manual - but there is no schematic
in it. An exhaustive search of the net reveals nothing - not even a source
of any Wards service info that I could take this to. I know the unit was
built by SHARP in Sept 1994. It was distributed by JRI Distributing, Inc;
619 West Chicago Ave, Chicago 60671. I seriously doubt if JRI has servicing
info, tho. Probably just some guy who rented a warehouse back then. The main
board has numbers: (P8269PE) and PWBF8269PE and also DUNTK8269WE and also
8269V3. I searched on all these numbers on the net. The only results I could
find in my search were that Wards is defunct. bankrupt, and any service
agreements are taken in the shorts...
The problem:
The burned diode is D752, with scorched areas at C725 and R754. I don't want
to just stick in "any" diode and plug it in, of course.. The set does not
come on - I hear a click after the power switch is pushed but nothing else.
Nothing else is burning - the damage is complete. Does anyone have a service
manual or a Sams Photofact number for this TV?
~Tom in Mn
nocone (at uslink) (--dot--) net
I have my Mom's not too old 20" TV which is a Wards Signature 2000 model
JSJ12022 Suffix A. It is probably a victim of a lightning hit. I can see a
burned diode on the board - so burned, in fact, that the solder has melted
on the other side of the board on the diode leads and leads to a couple caps
and resistors near it. I have the owner's manual - but there is no schematic
in it. An exhaustive search of the net reveals nothing - not even a source
of any Wards service info that I could take this to. I know the unit was
built by SHARP in Sept 1994. It was distributed by JRI Distributing, Inc;
619 West Chicago Ave, Chicago 60671. I seriously doubt if JRI has servicing
info, tho. Probably just some guy who rented a warehouse back then. The main
board has numbers: (P8269PE) and PWBF8269PE and also DUNTK8269WE and also
8269V3. I searched on all these numbers on the net. The only results I could
find in my search were that Wards is defunct. bankrupt, and any service
agreements are taken in the shorts...
The problem:
The burned diode is D752, with scorched areas at C725 and R754. I don't want
to just stick in "any" diode and plug it in, of course.. The set does not
come on - I hear a click after the power switch is pushed but nothing else.
Nothing else is burning - the damage is complete. Does anyone have a service
manual or a Sams Photofact number for this TV?
~Tom in Mn
nocone (at uslink) (--dot--) net