If someone has a good tube for a (early 90's model) panasonic "the one" tv,
id love to hear from you......
I have one that has lost the green gun output.....and unfortunately its the
tube, not the drive or color decoder.....bummer!!! (pic is a lovely shade of
please let me know if you can help out - aussiemale28@NOSPAM.hotmail.com
(you will need to remove NOSPAM to reply.
thankyou in advance!!!!!!
If someone has a good tube for a (early 90's model) panasonic "the one" tv,
id love to hear from you......
I have one that has lost the green gun output.....and unfortunately its the
tube, not the drive or color decoder.....bummer!!! (pic is a lovely shade of
please let me know if you can help out - aussiemale28@NOSPAM.hotmail.com
(you will need to remove NOSPAM to reply.
thankyou in advance!!!!!!