Wanted - Manuals for Heathkit IO-4555 O-Scope

Hi, I have an IO-4555 Heathkit O-Scope that started spewing out smoke
15 seconds after turning it on.

Would like to find someone that can shoot me a PDF of the assembly
manual with schematics. The operations manual would be nice also.

I've checked Google and Dogpile for variations and can only find a
schematic for the dual trace version. (IO-4550)

A few places are selling the manuals for a goofy amount of money. I
may have some files, templates, webspace, etc. that I can offer for

Tim - WD8MQF

heath@hamoh.com wrote:

Hi, I have an IO-4555 Heathkit O-Scope that started spewing out smoke
15 seconds after turning it on.

Would like to find someone that can shoot me a PDF of the assembly
manual with schematics. The operations manual would be nice also.

I've checked Google and Dogpile for variations and can only find a
schematic for the dual trace version. (IO-4550)

A few places are selling the manuals for a goofy amount of money. I
may have some files, templates, webspace, etc. that I can offer for

Tim - WD8MQF

Also, have you asked on the Yahoo Heathkit mailing list?

BTW, has anyone kept up with the Heathkit/BAMA fiasco? It sure makes
acquiring Heath products without manuals a bad deal.

msg wrote:
heath@hamoh.com wrote:

Hi, I have an IO-4555 Heathkit O-Scope that started spewing out smoke
15 seconds after turning it on.

Would like to find someone that can shoot me a PDF of the assembly
manual with schematics. The operations manual would be nice also.

I've checked Google and Dogpile for variations and can only find a
schematic for the dual trace version. (IO-4550)

A few places are selling the manuals for a goofy amount of money. I
may have some files, templates, webspace, etc. that I can offer for

Tim - WD8MQF


Also, have you asked on the Yahoo Heathkit mailing list?

BTW, has anyone kept up with the Heathkit/BAMA fiasco? It sure makes
acquiring Heath products without manuals a bad deal.
I didn't know that there was a problem. What's the story on that?

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
"msg" <msg@_cybertheque.org_> wrote in message
heath@hamoh.com wrote:

Hi, I have an IO-4555 Heathkit O-Scope that started spewing out smoke
15 seconds after turning it on.

Would like to find someone that can shoot me a PDF of the assembly
manual with schematics. The operations manual would be nice also.

I've checked Google and Dogpile for variations and can only find a
schematic for the dual trace version. (IO-4550)

A few places are selling the manuals for a goofy amount of money. I
may have some files, templates, webspace, etc. that I can offer for

Tim - WD8MQF


Also, have you asked on the Yahoo Heathkit mailing list?

BTW, has anyone kept up with the Heathkit/BAMA fiasco? It sure makes
acquiring Heath products without manuals a bad deal.

I know you're looking for a freebie, but if all else fails, you can buy a
complete copy of the manual for the IO-4555 from
http://www.d8apro.com/heath2.htm. $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping.

Dave M
masondg44 at comcast dot net

One good thing about Alzheimer's; you get to meet new people every day.
On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 13:48:15 -0400, "Dave M" <masondg4499@comcast.net>

"msg" <msg@_cybertheque.org_> wrote in message
heath@hamoh.com wrote:

Hi, I have an IO-4555 Heathkit O-Scope that started spewing out smoke
15 seconds after turning it on.

Would like to find someone that can shoot me a PDF of the assembly
manual with schematics. The operations manual would be nice also.

I've checked Google and Dogpile for variations and can only find a
schematic for the dual trace version. (IO-4550)

A few places are selling the manuals for a goofy amount of money. I
may have some files, templates, webspace, etc. that I can offer for

Tim - WD8MQF


Also, have you asked on the Yahoo Heathkit mailing list?

BTW, has anyone kept up with the Heathkit/BAMA fiasco? It sure makes
acquiring Heath products without manuals a bad deal.


I know you're looking for a freebie, but if all else fails, you can buy a
complete copy of the manual for the IO-4555 from
http://www.d8apro.com/heath2.htm. $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping.
Not exactly a freebie but more of a barter.

Maybe I'm not living in the real world But I feel that those prices
are a little wonky. I think they should be about half that price.

I'm a patient fellow. I'm sure some reasonably priced ones will show
up on ebay or at the Dayton Hamfest or someplace else.

I think the thing with BAMA was that he had many Heathkit manuals
online and the new (10/08) copyright holder is asking that all
Heathkit data be removed.

Apparently he has entered into agreements with some online people to
sell this info. I'm all for making a reasonable profit but!!!

If I do end up getting the copies I want I have no problem sending the
new copyright owner a fair and reasonable fee and I will.


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