James McMann
I am having great trouble locating the operations and service manual for the
Wavetek 3000-200 Signal Generator with Option 200 Deviation Meter. If you
have one I would like to buy it or a copy, digital or photocopy.
Reply to jmcmann{+A+T+}pacbell.net. You can figure out that you need to
remove the stuff between and including the { } and insert the @ sign. Sorry
for the trouble but you know how the spam is these days...
Jim McMann KF6WOR
San Jose, CA.
Wavetek 3000-200 Signal Generator with Option 200 Deviation Meter. If you
have one I would like to buy it or a copy, digital or photocopy.
Reply to jmcmann{+A+T+}pacbell.net. You can figure out that you need to
remove the stuff between and including the { } and insert the @ sign. Sorry
for the trouble but you know how the spam is these days...
Jim McMann KF6WOR
San Jose, CA.